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my face filled with a freezing pain and I snapped awake, revealing I was in a room, my hands tied to the chair behind me.

the room was dark walled, maybe a large garage of some sort, but there was cameras in every corner that I could see which means daryl could see if he really needed to. if he cared enough to.

"look whos awake" my fathers obnoxious voice rung through my ears as I raised my head into the air, water still dripping from my hair and my chin as I stared up at his boxy buff body.

I didn't know what time it was, I didn't know what day it was, I didn't know where I was, I didn't know how long I was out, but I didn't care. I just wanted the pain, I wanted to hit me.

"where the hell am I" I coughed and looked down at my body, seeing I was still fully clothed and my pants and shirt was now drenched in ice water.

"theres more important questions" I heard my mother from behind me, that was the one spot I couldn't see.

my father was still in his dress pants, in his dress shoes, in that all to fancy button up for his own taste, except he didn't have a tie, he didn't have his jacket, his shirt was unbuttoned down a couple to prevent ripping as he moves, and his sleeves where rolled up his arms to his elbows, revealing the exact arm that I had only days ago.

"oh yeah" I flipped my head to the side, seeing she was still in that wine red burgundy dress.

"yeah" she laughed and walked around my body, staring me up and down as if she was examining me.

"okay" I shrugged and realized how loose the ropes around my hands and feet where.

getting out of this would be easy, taking out my parents would be even easier. but I didn't want to.

"look at me" my father grumbled as I was staring to my side still.

complying with his request, I turned to face him, keeping my eyes on his chest rather than his face to prevent him from recognizing me.

"how the hell do you know about clay and lily" my mother looked at me, she was now behind my father, as if she was looking to him for protection.

"that clay you speak about, he spoke very poorly of you guys" I looked to face my mother, seeing she was now becoming impatient.

neither of my parents said anything, they just stared at me with burning anger that I couldn't describe.

from the side of my view I watched the cameras start flashing with a little red light, which I assume was daryl. he was watching me now and he knew where I was. it was a shame he was probably sending people now.

I turned back to my father and received a hard slap on my face, it hit so far back in my jaw that it almost sent my chair to the side. my face ached like hell and I felt my mouth fill with blood. I spit to the side and looked back up to my father with a smile.

"that's all you got?" I laughed and looked up to my mother, seeing she was now a confused angry, like she wasn't used to seeing people enjoy the pain

my father just hit me again, this time he punched me in the same spot, it actually flipping my chair to the side. my body hit the cool concrete with a thud, sending uncomfortable and painful shock waves down to my feet as I inhaled with pain.

I shut my eyes and smiled, focusing on the anger, using it to control the pain.

I felt my chair get lifted to the ground once more, my father standing behind me now as I felt his hard hands on my shoulders, digging his thick fingers between the bones which hurt more than id imagine.

I bit my tongue to hide any pain and I just smiled at my mother who stared at me.

"why aren't you hurting, why aren't you begging for us to let you go?" my mother looked at me with pure confusion and worry in her eyes. there wasn't an ounce of anger.

"im used to the pain" I laughed, although it was cut off with a very heavy top side hit to my head, it almost felt like he hit me with a frying pan. I never saw what it was but that shit hurt.

"lily was just a child when you lost her right?" I flipped my head back up to look at my mother, her face was so concerned, almost scared that I felt this might not be as much fun as I thought it would be.

"clay was eleven" she put her hand to her heart and looked at me with tears in her eyes as if she missed us.

"you know, clay sounds like he could have made a good football player" I nodded, putting one lip over the other like I was agreeing with myself.

"that clay" my father began, walking around to stand Infront of me. his face looked so feared, its that same face I spent my entire life scared of, wishing I had never seen it in the first place.

"he did this to me" he pulled up his dress shirt, revealing insane scaring that went from his stomach all the way up to his rip cage. it was that exact stab, the exact twist, the exact drag. I did that to him and it made me warm inside knowing he had to heal from that. it made me happy knowing he went through that pain because of me.

he didn't say anything. he just squatted down Infront of me, to the point where I was now looking down at him, I was looking down at my father for the second time my whole life.

as he was bellow me, he moved his hand up to his head and pulled his eye patch off and revealed an empty eye socket, a line going from one side to the other and looking extremally scared, like he had skin graphs to fix it.

although, it didn't look nearly as bad as it did the night I did it.

"oh damn" I looked at it closer, squinting my eyes to see it better.

he turned around and showed me the scar on the back of his head, where the knife went through

"how did that not kill you" I leaned back in my chair and looked at him impressed as he stood up, pulling the patch back over his eye.

he didn't even say anything, he just put the eye patch back on and stood back up.

"doctors said I should have been dead, some guy rushed me to the ER after he found out I was still alive. I had a knife through my brain, my organs where torn to pieces, my lungs where punctured, and I still survives" he smiled, almost as if he was glad he survived. but something was different about him, he didn't reek of liquor, he didn't have a stained tank top on with beer already spilt on it, his hair was nicely done, it looked like he actually shaved. this was not the same man I tried to kill all those years ago.

"that's insane" I acted like I didn't care, making my voice monotone and lazy when I did care, I cared to much about this, that's why I am here, why I forced myself into this predicament.

"chain him up" my father scoffed and pointed to me, there must have been more people behind me because he wasn't talking to my mother, and I doubt they would let sean into the room.

I felt rough hands on my shoulders and I was lifted from the chair, two people dragging me and another untying my ankles.

"take his shirt off" my father shot from the side of the room, and now that I was being moved, I could see there was a car battery on a stool with the cables coming out of it. he was going to torture me. he was literally going to electrocute me, and he didn't even know who I was.

1404 words


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