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Once the bathroom came i froze and he bolted for the back door, then i watched him go left without problem.

and i glanced behind me, seeing a man coming my direction as i ducked into the bathroom. I immediately went for the first stall, locking it behind me.

Then i heard footsteps come inside as well.

At first nothing seemed wrong, the person just stood in-front of the sink for a moment, but then they moved my direction, standing in my way from exiting.

i waited what felt like an hour but it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes but then i gave up, this shit was getting aggravating. I could take out this whole bar for all i care.

as soon as i remembered what i had on me my mind froze but started racing at the same time. i immediately took the pill from my pocket and flushed it.

then it was time to face this man.

i slowly unlocked the stall, holding my head tall and with my face angled down slightly. just enough for the shitty lighting to not catch my face.

i went for the sink, washing my hands immediately and turning around, seeing the man standing directly in the doorway.

his arms where crossed but i saw the gun holsters he had on him. one on his waste and one on his ankle.

i sighed deeply and looked up to his eyes, letting my face once again be directed in the light.

"for such a killer i expected you to be more ugly" he scoffed and stared at my face

"i'm sorry?" i asked while laughing a bit

"don't play dumb, we have solid evidence against you" he smirked and shook his head

The truth was, no he didn't.

"oh yeah?" i turned back to the mirror and stared at myself, him in the background
what he didn't see was me slowly sliding my dagger from my wrist, holding it sternly in my hand.

"i highly doubt that" i said calmly as i stared down into the off-white sink

"so you admit? you are him?" the police man's words slowly got more unsure as he spoke, almost as if he didn't believe i was a killer.

"now that's not what i said" i stood back up tall, securing the dagger back into my wrist.

i fake pouted and approached him slowly

his body posture became fearful but he didn't move. He kept his ground.

"excuse me?" i said in an annoyed tone as he didn't move from the doorway

"you really think im letting you leave?" he scoffed as i stood only feet away from him

"letting me would be the smarter option" i gave him a sarcastic smile and stood with my arms crossed over my chest

"really? what are you gonna do?" he said sternly as i still stood tall but getting annoyed

"push through you? i just want to go home my guy" i laughed a bit because i couldn't threaten him, i'd guarantee he had a mic on him

he didn't respond, he just stood there, like he was stuck in time.

i shook my head and went for it, pushing through him like it was nothing. he didn't even try to stop me from leaving the bathroom.

i strolled down the hallway, taking the final corner and seeing dozens of guns pointed directly at my face.

i didn't freeze, i just walked back to my table with my food now sitting there. They couldn't shoot me, i'm unarmed, mostly, not posing a threat to them, and they have no evidence against me

all the guns pointed directly at me, following me as i went to my table. i heard various people yelling at me but only one stuck out. Only one i recognized.

i suddenly turned my head and gazed the crowd, looking for whoever that voice belonged to. Whoever it was i just couldn't place my finger on the voice. Then one face stopped me in my vision. That same face that was supposed to be dead.

When i saw him standing directly in front of me, his face showed an array of emotions. ranging from sadness, anger, exitment, confusion.

i stood back up, not even have taken a bite from my food.

i slipped my arms together, resting on my chest. but what the people couldn't see was me alerting the alarm on my watch. Setting every other person in the family's watches off.

i stood with my arms crossed as the unnerving vibrating pain in my arm continues to make my wrist go numb.

i took my arms apart and rested them at my sides, just completely ignoring what everyone was yelling at me.

All the men inside where yelling things like get down, hands up, stop moving, but i had completely zoned all of them out, just tuning in to one particular person. That person. Who's supposed to be dead.

Then my watch stopped buzzing, that excrushiating pain was finally stopped. i immediately reached my other hand around my wrist and started messaging the sensitive skin.

but then it hit me, my family, the people i'm depending on right now, they knew where i was and what a pardicament was in. They saw and they knew how i had fallen in a trap.

i removed my hands and stared back to the crowd. my face just frozen on that one guy.

I shook my head and smiled slightly at the deadman. I knew the people on the other side must have seen him because he was all my eyes was looking at. After all. we watched him die.

We. watched. him. die.

952 words

shortish chapter

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