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phil burst through the front doors, with the governor right by his side. but he was frozen in place when he saw everyone being released, and then he saw me being walked through the side door.

"you have to stop him" lily pleaded but noah held her back from running, he had to after she tried to struggle away.

without another word, the governor stepped in and all the feds froze, the man in a suit froze, they were all shocked to see this tiny lady, their governor, helping someone like me.

"you cant just let him go" the man in the suit refused to let go of my arm but the ladies look was enough to make me scared, but he refused to release me.

and truth be told, there really wasn't anything she could do, I had already confessed, I had told them every detail about how I made everyone do what they did. everyone was free, everyone was going to be okay because it was all my fault.

the governor knew he was right, she tried to reason but there was virtually nothing she could do. I dug this whole to deep and there was no getting out.

"He didnt kidnap me, I went with him!" george was trying to reason now, and for the first time, I hear emotion behind his voice. he actually sounded worried, scared.

"you went with me because I had a gun to your head" I nodded and a weak smile, started to be pulled through the door again.

everyone kind of froze when I said that, because they knew I dont use guns, and I hadn't until the gala. phil looked worried, but he knew why I did it.

"your ruining your life clay" phils voice was soft, he was standing the closest to me out of my family, and his words felt like a bullet to my chest.

"I ruined my life the day I killed my father" my words were quick because with that I was shoved out the door and into a large black van that seemed to be bullet proof from the inside out.

the ride was long, hours, they refused to fly me since I could have highjacked the plane. but soon enough we were in Virginia. I was going down in history, as a serial killer, a mass murderer, and a kidnapper.

we were about fifteen minutes away from Quantico, and for some reason we pulled over. the back doors were ripped open, and practically off. only to reveal corpse standing there with a familiar face to his side.

"you didnt think it was that easy did you?" sean laughed a little as the police didnt fight him, like he had power over them.

"what did you do" I squinted my eyes and slipped from the cuffs without any help, all the swat men looking at me in shock.

"dads a high, high government official. your friend knew that and found us" sean scratched the back of his head and looked at corpse who had a small smile on his face.

"I held you hostage for six months, why are you doing this" I stepped out of the van and rubbed my wrists, seeing multiple SUV's approaching in the distance.

"your still my brother, I left you once and im not going to do it again." sean backed out of the way and revealed my mother standing next to a car that had parked. my father did not look so happy with the situation but he wasn't protesting.

though something felt off, I was not complaining that I was now out of cuffs.

"im fucked" I sighed and turned around and looked at the swat members who didnt want anything to do with me now that they knew I was related to kevin and sean.

"you have no idea" corpse sighed and stared into the distance, the sun was starting to set and they sky was layered with dozens of colors. arrays of oranges, reds, yellows, blues, purples, practically any color you could think of.

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