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now, after all to long of work, i convinced george to come to training, i met him and exhausted laura in the main rooms.

we all slipped into the elevator, our gazes darting around the walls and floor, keeping our attention distracted for a moment as we rested, knowing we would leave sore as hell after everything was done.

"all or nothing" i mumbled under my breathe, it coming out as a soft air through my lips. i held a smile, for everyone but myself, as the elevator door opened, seeing everyone already lined up ready for assignments.

me and the other two quickly jumped into line, me and george on the end and laura to my right next to techno.

"now that everyone is here-" phil stopped for a moment and stared at george. That poor, poor brunette had been forced into this life. All the guilt i felt could overpour anything in life.

"we can begin training. Today you will test yourself, go until you physically can't anymore. psychology is a major thing in this group, you cannot be distracted, you have to be one-hundred percent focused" phil pased back and forth infront of the line, his body posture was tired but strict, you could see the exhaust, the worry in his eyes but nothing the less he tried. His arms where behind his back, barley holding a posture as he walked back and forth infront of us all. He stared at everyone in different ways, me and techno with a proud look, niki and laura with a soft eye, and wilbur. Well i won't lie i don't even know what that look he gave wilbur was. Proudness? Fear?

"i may be a father, and those children might be in this room. However, that does not exclude them from any exercises or training being done today" he stopped right in the middle, staring at everyone before him. His eyes darted around, lingering around the three children of his.

"you all know your positions. get to them and await further instructions." he smiled coldly, his body becoming slower now that his speech was over. He turned away, and began walking away as everyone disbursed in different directions. Everyone turned and twisted as they found their groups, as they became someone their child hood selves never could have imagined.

"george and karl come with me" was the last thing we heard before he entered the locker room. The voice seemed to echo as no one else spoke, our eyes just stared at george and karl as they froze in the crowd.

george looked at me worryingly but i nodded and he was off. They being all new they needed positions. it scared me, i was truly horrified, knowing what they might be assigned to? it sent shivers down my spine. Truth be told i knew karl would be a torturer, he came in acting as if techno did so he was already practically assigned. George though? he was barley able to kill that guy at the bar and now he wouldn't come training. i'm scared phil might use those against him.

once the boys left the room we where left for our positions. We stared once more and began grouping.

Techno, minx, noah, and ranboo all left for the chambers, knowing they already had some dirtbags to train on.

niki, cara, tommy, punz, lily, and charlie all went to the far side of the gym, they're positions where all flexible but they mained in distractions. Yes lily and charlie hadn't gotten their official positions yet but it is to be told.

A distraction, used in almost every undercover mission, They are to keep the target busy or in other words distracted until the assassins are ready and go for the kill. They can be used to lure, kill, distract, mentally destroy, This is some of the most dangerous parts of this position because you never know how the people on the inside are going to go.

Then me, nick, zak, daryl, wilbur, and laura all followed each other around in the gym.

There was no exact spot we had to be in seeing as it was a free roam train day, i personally just "ran" on the treadmill most the time as i watched the door for karl and george to be assigned.

then as i thought of it, they left the room. karl left the room, going for the tortures as i assumed, then george. he was assigned a double job. He's flexible. Meaning he was a distraction.

George's slim body's peared the room slowly, his chocolate eyes gazing the room for someone, for me. Our eyes locked and he must have seen the fear i held. This job, This life, it wasn't for all and to many people have said it against george. I felt bad, He felt confused, there was no getting out of this arrangement.

"george" i reached my hand out and he came my direction, our fingers interlocking upon his arrival.

"a distraction?" i asked the smaller boy, my voice harley above a whisper and must have sounded sad.

he didn't say anything, Not a single sound slipped those slick lips. His freckles flushed face stared into my soul as he nodded all the to slow for my liking.

"you know it's one of the funnest parts" i cocked my head sideways, slowly showing signs of appointment. His small soul had to see my emotions weren't damaged, He can't go into this horrid position knowing it may be the worst spot possible.

"but i won't be with you" his eyes glossed over, his deep, deep. brown eyes glistened under the yellow lights above, the pure hatred i had for underground lighting. Although he was still staring at me, i tore my attention away. glancing towards the distractions and then back at him.

"we can't train together" i smiled softly, increasing the mood of george. hopefully.

"but-" he started, but i walked away.

He Must Learn To Be Alone.

1005 words

mb tbh i have been so distracted lately

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