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The time was now 8pm. Everyone ended up roaming town and we ate dinner at this little mom and pop restaurant.

George has been distant since lunch, its like his body was here, following us around but his mind is somewhere else. There's this fog covering his eyes, making the dark chocolate eyes I once knew now a light mocha color.

Me and George just kind of awkwardly sat in the room, I was in the corner by the window, just sharpening my knifes and such for the gala tomorrow.

Although George sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes staring at his hands as he spun a pen around them. It was entertaining to watch him just be and mess with a pen but it worried me. The thing is that George always has something to say, Whether its about me of someone around us, there's always an opinion coming out of him.

"okay" I pierced my lips and stood up, setting all my knifes breathlessly on the side table.

I caught his attention but he just stared at me with an unknown expression, as if he was begging me for something and I didn't know what.

"nick, noah, techno, and others are down at the pool. we are going" I said while darting for my bag quickly pulling a swimming suit from it.

"I don't wanna swim" he mumbled under his breath, his attention turning back to the pen he held in his hands.

"you don't have to swim but you do have to come down with me." I said calmy and he frowned, covering his face with his hands.

I watched as he rather violently rubbed his eyes and drug his hands through his hair. His body language didn't show anger but his eyes did. I didn't know what he was mad at and that's the part that scared.

"clay" he asked calmly, standing up from the bed as if all those past emotions just fled away.

"hm?" I hummed in response, tossing his suit towards him.

"do you have any other siblings besides lily?" he said softly, pulling his shirt over his head.

I froze, just my swim suit in one hand and my other still gripped to georges duffle. But all of the sudden these emotions fled through my body. Yes I did, but key word. Did. When I was eight, before lily was every here, I had an older brother. he was 5 years older than me. he defended me from my father, he kept me for the most part safe and happy, hes the one who taught me to walk. but when I was eight, he was gone. Truth be told I never knew what happened to him. as far as I know my father killed him, or he could have ran. I have been to scared to ever track him down or even attempt to find him because having no closer is better than knowing hes dead.

George must have sensed the discomfort in my posture because I felt his arms wrap around my waste.

"I did" I said blankly, I was being very dry because when it came to almost anything in my past. I wasn't ever going to tell anyone. Everyone has those skeletons in the closet. Remember those things I said where going to the grave with me? this was supposed to be one of them. Lily can never know about him.

"past tense?" he backed away, beginning to put his shorts on.

"an older brother. but he's gone" my cold tone sent shivers down my own spine, my voice was very quiet and I intended to keep it like that for however long this topic floats in the air.

"do you? have any other siblings besides karl?" I quickly changed the subject, if he had any skeletons I needed to know before I shared my own.

"yeah we do" George smiled and put his shoes on

I gestured for him to go on, while I put my own swimming suit on.

"we have youger siblings, a brother and sister, believe it or not theyre twins too" he laughed and approached me.

"really?" I asked while his body collided against mine, his head in my chest. he was hugging me, I didn't know why but im not complaining.

"yeah, harper and Lucian" he chuckled and backed away, reaching for his phone off the bed.

"why have you never mentioned them before?" I asked him while we exited the hotel room, my key and two towles in hand.

"why have you never mentioned your older brother before?" he shot back at me, causing me to lose my balance and stop for a moment for me to grab my pace ones more.

"touché" I spat out, scoffing at his quick response.

me and George trailed down the hallway, his body head right behind me because I could feel it radiating off him. we found the elevator eventually but there was a line so we just went for the stairs, both of us skipping him with ease as we dropped 3 flights within seconds.

"his name was sean" I said bluntly as we left the stairwell.

"what happened to him?" George asked carefully, he didn't know how to approach the subject and I didn't either.

"I- I don't know" I said barley above a whisper as me and George made it to the pool.

Its December yes, its literally December 30th, yes, but non of us cares, the water was cold that's for sure but we all adjusted. ice water was better than getting shot at.

George dropped the subject on my brother, he saw how uncomfortable I was and how scared it made my eyes look so he stopped. however he kept speaking of his younger siblings.

"finally" I heard techno screech from the lawn chairs besides the pool.

I watched him run up to me, him in a long sleeve and hot pink swim shorts.

"what" I said bluntly, just watching as he almost ate it running across the slickly wet concrete.

"noah and niki are scaring the shit out of me" he shuddered with a smile, just turning around and gesturing to the two mermaids in the pool.

"what the hell" I laughed and saw them both wave at me.

When we where at the port, yes we saw them in their mermaid form but the water was dark and we didn't actually see anything besides them swimming. But with how clear the water is here, you can see their tails very clearly. they where more scary then youd think.

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