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slowly I trailed out of the room, just coursing thoughts through my head, things to say, how to explain this to George. As I was in the main room once more, I saw mostly everyone else was ready, the only thing going on was techno raging about his cape.

"what the hell why do i look like an Alaskan fisher" techno groaned as his cape wouldn't sit right on his shoulders, laura tried to help but she was to busy laughing at her husbands frustration.

I shook my head and laughed a little bit, but still walking towards my bag, reaching down for the knifes bag. Of course I saw people watching me out of the corner of my eyes and I felt multiple gazes on me as I rummaged through the bag.

I kept rories ring, well my ring to our marriage, in the handle of a knife she got me. and it just happen to be one of the ones I brought.

I slowly pulled it out of the bag, the handel being ivory from an antler of some sort, hollow on the inside.

I turned around, seeing nick, corpse, techno, wilbur, laura, and George where already looking at me. Nick knew what I was doing because he knew where I kept the ring, techno did as well and he just sighed, knowing what phil was making me do. George stared at me worried, seeing I was holding a knife did not set well with him for some reason.

But then I held it in my hands, the handle in my left and the flat side of the blade in my right, I pushed my lips together as I attempted to twist it apart, then it opened, the handle sitting right up in my hand.

I inhaled sharply and saw George staring at me with curiosity and worried in his eyes, and techno just nodded, giving me the confidence I needed.

carefully, I tipped the handle over in my hand, a black and ivory laced ring on a long silver necklace fell out into my hand. I shook my head and tossed the blade and handle back into my bag, just staring at the ring I haven't seen in years.

slowly I dropped it from my hand, the chain being around my finger so the ring bounced at the bottom, revealing it to anyone that was watching. including George.

I re-winded the chain back up into both my hands, unhooking the necklace and sliding the ring into my hand. Georges face dropped as he realized what it was, as he realized I was married to someone else.

the ring sat in my hand and I felt corpse and techno approaching me. Before they could say anything I picked it up with my right hand and slid it onto my left ring finger, surprisingly it still fit. Although it felt very strange having a ring on that finger.

"are you ever going to divorce her" techno mumbled, him now standing between me and George, blocking the undoubtingly heart broken look on his face from me.

"I have to" I shook my head and spun the ring around my finger, trying to get used to the metal on my finger again.

then corpses phone began ringing, I wouldn't doubt it was his fiancé. So I pushed everything else to the side, acting like I didn't just put a wedding ring on, acting like I didn't just break georges heart.

"yes Jaiden, just drive up to the gate and say your with phil. they will let you in" he was holding the bridge of his nose


"no im not going to come get you, you are literally older than me stop acting like a child" corpse sighed and stood up, obviously getting up to go and help Jaiden at the fence anyway

"can i come" i asked excitingly and he nodded, seeming a little exited too for me to meet his fiancé.

"OH also, which one is yours." corpse asked as we left the office, lazily dragging his finger around the room until i grabbed his hand and pointed it directly at George, who was now wearing his rich blue suit with his hair wavy and it looked like he had a little eye liner on too. hot.

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