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You Promised


techno hopped into the ring just as easily as i did, still amazing george's eyes.

"OH SHIT THEY'RE FIGHTING" i heard noah scream from behind us

that immediately made me and techno lose our shit laughing

noah literally ran into the elevator, i'm assume to get everyone else

this was a very rare thing that happened, the two best asssins, fighters, hit men, conmen, in the same boxing ring fighting.

it's fun fighting him because it's actual competition compared to anyone else in the group.

i finally calmed down as well as techno, me already holding my stomach from laughing

"for old times sake" i said while smiling

he nodded with a bright smile

soon the elevator door opened and literally everyone from the group came flooding in.

i wouldn't say they where running but they wherent walking normally, besides phil.

me and techno watched the group of people come in, surrounding the ring.

noah, punz, karl, george, phil, daryl, zak, charlie, lily, everyone was here.

to my surprise i saw nick.

he was wearing brown sweatpants and a light grey skin tight t shirt.

i smiled at the man and he smiled back slightly. he looked drained and what shocked me is that he wasn't high off his shit.

we waited for everyone to be ready then phil, who ofcourse loved seeing this aswell, rung the bell.

"best out of three?" i asked while we circled around the ring seeing who would hit first

"why not" he smirked a bit at the thought

we cautiously circled each other in the ring because who ever hit first was most likely the loser in this case.

it got annoying after a moment so i lunged forward, immediately recoiling my body to its original state

techno barley flinched

"someone hit first" i heard a voice in the background, i assume zak

"blood or no blood" he asked while we slowly got closer

"i could use a little pain" i shrugged and smiled a bit

his smile widened at the thought of seeing me bleed

after another minute of just aimlessly lunging and circling i got annoyed

i stepped my left foot forward, quickly swinging my right into the air. my body was almost doing the air splits you see ballet students do but then he caught my foot.

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