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about a month into hiding, george and I owned our own house on the mountain. our new names were Lennard and haris. though george went by leo, and I went by harry. he was still refusing to talk to me, we were technically married in the eyes of the town but everywhere else, he ignored me. he wouldn't talk to me, wouldn't look at me, he would leave the room when I entered, hell I sleep on the guest bedroom bed because he wont breath the same air as me.

it was hard to do this, to know we technically weren't engaged but had to be married for the hiding of the crowd. It was February fourteenth, valentines day.

I tried, I got him roses, chocolates, I even bought one of those six foot teddy bears, but he wont budge.

I dont know what that look in his eyes is, it looks like a mix of disappointment and fear, and that makes my heart break alone.

the time was seven in the morning, I was already out in the tiny town, at my job. right, we had to get jobs. george worked at the small arcade, while I worked at a restaurant across town. a waiter, making money that I all didnt need.

"hey! what can I get started for you guys?" my voice was high, inviting, and almost sounded gay. I couldn't be stern, I couldn't be scary, so I had to change my voice, my whole dynamic.

"I think ill just get the waffles, and she'll get the fruit bowl" a middle-aged man spoke, his voice sounded disgusted almost. but then I realized exactly what it was.

a small town, in the middle of Colorado, I think you can think of the rest.

"of course, anything else?" I asked happily, pushing that bubbling anger and urge not to just smash his head through the barrel table right now.

"yeah" he scoffed and handed me the menus, letting go of them to early so they fell to the ground.

without another word, I smiled and kneeled down, picking up the two menus with ease and turning around. I walked through into the back, putting down the small paper onto a metal spinner, being spun into the back of the kitchen.

"I am going to kill them for you" a women spoke, I turned around to see it was elsa. she was the other waiter on shift, and a friend I had managed to make in the short time we were here.

"you have no idea" I exhaled and smiled a bit, showing I was joking.

mostly joking. because I had to forget about the entire different life I had, I had to forget that I would kill this guy, if not just beat the shit out of him.

"I can take care of them if you want, you just have to buy me ice-cream after work" elsa smiled and giggled, I thought about her answer, and even though I wanted to say no and take care of these customers myself, I didnt want to say no to having a little bonding time with her.

"fine" I grunted like it was a big deal, just causing her to laugh more.

"hey harry, theres a call for you, says his name is LJ?" the women's words made me freeze, she was holding a phone into her chest.

LJ, Lovejoy.

"yeah-" I dropped what I was doing and practically jumped over to her, taking the phone before another word.

"Juice, shes in labor" wilburs words were quick and happy, like he was with her.

"No shit-" I spoke and turned around, trying to keep my voice low as I knew elsa and the other waiter were listening in on my call.

"everyones already on their way, come to new York, phil says fuck the rules for one day" wilbur spoke and I could hear the smile in his voice, and with that he hung up.

a smile was coated on my face as I put the phone back down. I assume george had gotten the call as well, making it all the more easy to leave.

"family emergency" I smiled at elsa and she smiled back, hearing that someone was in labor.

"ice cream when you get back" she caught the apron I tossed and I nodded, jogging out the door and not caring about any attention I attracted.


george and I had landed in new York, taking a taxi to the hospital. yes, a hospital. a place that non of us are used to, because daryl always addressed the wounds and stitched us up.

we walked through the front doors and were immediately pointed towards a door by the front desk lady, almost as if someone had said we were coming.

me and the brunette pushed through the doors, revealing everyone was already in the room. lily moved first, jumping into my arms almost knocking me over, but I hugged her back.

"ivory" techno approached the little huddle wilbur had made with me and lily, the four of us surrounding the small baby in technos arms.

"holy shit she has hair" lily laughed a little and we all laughed as well.

ivory had curly red hair, it was dark red to the point it looked actual red. for only a day old, you could already see the freckles scattering her face. she was wrapped in a little baby orange blanket, showing only her head that was premature.

"shes tiny" wilbur spoke in shock, seeing techno cradle her in his arms.

his hair was still blonde and short, I dont know if it was a permanent thing or if he was just waiting until we were out of hiding, but it was something non of us would get used to.

"five weeks early" lauras voice came from the door, being pushed in by a doctor as she was sitting in a wheel chair. she immediately tried to stand up, and somehow succeeded.

"you just got your stomach cut open, sit back down" wilbur urged but she refused, holding onto technos shoulder and just awed as she looked at her child for the first time.

I looked up and saw the room had the entire family, but phil. he wasn't here for his own grandchild's birth.

"hey where is phil" I looked down to lily and she shrugged, still smiling in awe at ivory's hair that seemed to already curl off her head.

I looked back up and saw everyone was talking, hugging, bonding for the first time in a month. and I knew it would hurt like shit when we all had to leave again, not knowing when or if we would ever see eachother again.

1126 words

don't be so bold, just be blind

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