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i didn't say anything, i just looked down and moved the gun Infront of me, the man looked down and backed away without words. i watched as he reached for his holster, it being in my hand instead of his.

"how the hell" the other two men pulled their guns and aimed them at me. i heard gasps in the background but there was no time to address those.

i looked back up at them and dismantled the gun in seconds, tossing the main piece into the pool. that left the clip on the ground Infront of me and a single bullet in my hand.

i smiled and held it up to my face, admiring it with a glare in my eyes. but what threw me off, is the bullet had a strange scent. quickly i smelt it snapped my eyes back to the man with fear creeping up my throat.

"why the hell" i moved the bullet down to my side, my face glued to the man with a confused expression.

"a little birdie told me you guys have abilitys" he smiled at me, everyones eyes snapped to him, because we didn't know how he knew.

"so you loaded your gun with curare laced bullets made of osmium?!" i shouted at them, quickly reaching down to pick up the clip, realizing every single bullet inside was the same.

Curare, a very rare arrow poisoning that is harvested from a rare plant in south America. its a paralyzing agent that blocks the brain functions from being sent to your muscles. If you are not treated within 7 minutes, you become permanently paralyzed, within 15, your dead.

Osmium, a chemical element. Its name comes from ancient Greek times, in English meaning Smell, because it gives off a strong smoke smell, as if it was on fire. The only reason we know what this rare metal is, is because it is the only metal laura is allergic to. the metal itself is capable of killing anyone because its in bullet form, but With lauras regenerating cells, it acts as a blocker. So as long as she is anywhere near that metal, shes a normal human.

i slowly looked up from my hands to see laura was staring at me with fear mixed with anger in her eyes. techno knew immediately what i was thinking, these men weren't leaving the room.

i watched the other two men turn their guns to random people in the room, that is when me and techno snapped. immediately i swung at the mans face who stood Infront of me, him doubling over and giving me enough time to knee him in the gut. now that he was down, i quickly looked up to see techno was holding the two men by their necks, the back of their necks specifically, like a mother would hold its kittens. but with his abnormal strength, the men hissed in pain and dropped the guns on command.

"okay" i clapped my hands in satisfaction and reached down for the guns, unloading them just like i had before. of course, the bullets where the same as the first mans.

after i tossed the two gun pieces in the pool, i set all the clips and three free bullets from the chambers on a lawn chair near by.

"their ankles" noah stood right next to me, his arms crossed and staring at the man who i took out, was now attempting to get up.

"thanks" i grunted as i took a kick at the man, he went rolling a couple feet but then stopped when he hit technos feet.

"really?" he stared at me with an annoyed expression on his face, him still holding both the men who where now inches off the ground by their necks.

"don't kill them you idiots" zak stood up, i honestly don't think that was really him speaking, rather daryls words of fear.

"yeah i know" i reached down and ripped the three more guns from the men, doing the exact same thing i had before, putting the bullets on the chair and throwing the firearms in the pool.

"what the hell are we supposed to do with them" techno dropped the two men, them falling to their knees and holding their necks in pain.

"i guess wait until philza gets back" i stared at the men who where now on the ground, just satisfied that they weren't trying to kill us now.

"its ten pm, im taking slime to bed." i watched daryl stand up and pick up towels with him. although charlie hasn't gotten his brand or even ceremony yet, he had a nickname for the very few instances like this.

everyone began to stand up, their faces more exhausted over anything. George and lily approached me, just standing behind me as i stood with my arms crossed.

i turned around to face them, lily looked scared and George seemed tired.

"drista go with slime, you and him have a big day tomorrow" i smiled at her, at first she was confused by the nickname because it was something i made up on the spot, but then her face lit up when she remembered she would actually be in the mission. Drista, stands for dreams sister. Simple math that she put together in seconds.

she jogged to catch up with daryl and zak, them inviting her to walk with them with ease.

i put my right arm around George his head leaning into my chest.

"you should get some sleep, ill be up soon" i whispered into his head, my chin resting on his fluffy brunette hair.

"soon as in ten minutes or soon as in two hours and blood on your hands" he looked up and made eye contact, i didn't know what to say because i really didn't know. but with the word blood, the two conscience men snapped their heads to look at me and George.

"soon as in after philza gets back and we delt with these guys" i connected out lips for a moment, him pulling away and wrapping both his arms around me. he nodded and walked away, taking the room key that i handed him.

the only people left in the room now where me, techno, noah, Wilbur, laura, and the three men.

"how the hell did they know" laura picked up one of the bullets and held it in her hand, eyeing the rare find.

"they knew a lot more than they should. its the type of stuff only philza would know" Wilbur crossed his arms and stared at them, his face showed an expression of just confusion of his own father.

"im going to fucking kill him" techno knelt down and started patting down the men for any other weapons. he was furious and it scared me a little bit knowing what he is capable of.

"techno wait" i froze, dropping my arms and slowly looking at him. my mind was racing with so many different thoughts, who? why? where? when? but then it all stopped when one person entered my mind.

"what" he snapped, freezing with his hands on his knees. he stared at us with a deadpan look and pierced lips like what we where going to say was some pathetic excuse to get him to stop.

"there's one other person who knows" i slowly turned my head and saw Wilbur had connected the same dots i had. the same dots that everyone wanted to deny, the same dots that we hoped where wrong.

"no fucking way" Wilbur dropped his arms and ran his hands through his hair, letting them rest interlocked on the back of his neck. he stared at me and then techno with wide eyes, showing how he was scared and shocked at the same time.

"what" techno repeated himself and stood up, looking from me to Wilbur. he was visibly confused but there was the same thought in the back of his head that we knew.

i didn't know how to tell him that his best friend, practically a father, had gone rogue.

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