Chapter 1

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Asahi's P. O. V:

I stand before a male demon with my orcrist sword gripped in both hands, a glare on my face.

I'd been sent on a mission to deal with this demon in a town called Aiya. A mist is surrounding me and it's rather poisonous. It is the demon's Blood Demon Art that allows it to control poisonous wisteria mist.

I have to end this fight soon before I'm taken out.

I have long white hair that has light pink tips and pale purple eyes. I wear a white tinted version of the Demon Slayer uniform with a knee length skirt and knee high purple socks with matching coloured kyahan over them. On my feet are zori sandals with pink straps and I wear a white haori over it all.

It's decorated with pegasus wings and the hem is dark purple with more pegasus wings.

"You should just give up, Hashira," The demon tells me. "You're about to die from my poison, anyway. Why keep fighting?"

I spin my orcrist in my right hand rapidly before I switch to my left, and spin it some more before I catch the hilt in my right hand. It's something I like to do before the start of each fight. I reply, "Because it's my duty as a Demon Slayer and a Hashira! Pegasus Breathing, Second Form: Triple Stomp."

I run at the demon at lightning speed, ignoring the strain of my body

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I run at the demon at lightning speed, ignoring the strain of my body. I suddenly flash right behind the demon, startling him. I slash my orcrist twice at him before I aim for his neck. He dodges that attack.

"Heh. Too slow," He mocks me.

"Pegasus Breathing, Fourth Form: Never Ending Bloom," I say before I proceed to stab at the demon in multiple places. He manages to dodge some but not all, and flowers start to bloom on his body where I'd struck him. I aim a slash for his neck but he dodges that attack.

I growl in frustration.

The demon laughs. "You can barely hit me! What makes you think you can beat me?"

I was starting to feel a little lightheaded. I know I have to get out of there, and fast. I suddenly flicker away from the demon to try and find a place to catch my breath.

I soon perch on a rooftop away from the poisonous mist but I knew it was a matter of time before it took over my body. I wasn't like another certain Hashira who has a resistance to poison, but it hasn't been that long since the fight began, either.

I start when I see the wisteria mist floating around me. I curse as I jump to my feet and spin around. I turn and jump back to the street before I start racing away, trying to get away from the mist. As I do, wisteria bushes spring up out of the ground and emit more mist

Not good. If this keeps up...

I suddenly start to feel a burning sensation in my mouth.

I come to an abrupt stop as I see a couple of monaka shaped like cherry blossoms, which are my favourite sweets. Monaka is a Japanese sweet made of azuki bean paste sandwiched between two thin crisp wafers made from mochi. The wafers can have the shape of a square, a triangle, or may be shaped like cherry blossoms, chrysanthemums, and so on.

I immediately lunge for them, however, once I reach the delicious looking sweets, I fall right through them and nearly hit the ground

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I immediately lunge for them, however, once I reach the delicious looking sweets, I fall right through them and nearly hit the ground.

"Eh?!" I exclaim as I whip around in confusion. "Where did the monaka go?!"

"Unfortunately it was just a hallucination," Comes the demon's voice, followed by a cackle.

I pout before an annoyed growl escapes my throat. That is so not cool, teasing me like that!!

I grip my sword and dash straight for where the demon is. He dances away as I angrily swing my sword. As I go to attack once more, a cute pony suddenly forms before me, causing me to stop short.

I go to hug the pony, only to receive the exact same result as the cherry blossom monaka. Infuriated, I attack the demon just as fiercely as before.

"Pegasus Breathing, Fifth Form: Pegasus Finale," I growl before I spin my orcrist around. Then the blade begins to glow before I dash at the demon and sun a swipe for its head. He dodges and swipes his claws for me. I deflect them with my sword.

I aim a swing for his left side but he deflects it with his claws and I swing for his right shoulder. The demon deflects that attack too. I slash for the demon's stomach and smirk when my attack hits him. He snarls as he staggers away from me.

"Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love," I say before I stab the demon in various angles. As I do, holes in the shapes of love hearts appear.

Just as I go to behead the demon, he evades my attack and attempts to kick my right side. I barely manage to block it with my orcrist. Then I shove him back and sun a swing for his torso. He dodges but as he does, I use my Fifth Form which ends up lopping off his right arm.

However, the arm just regrows due to the demon's regeneration ability.

I take that chance to retreat and figure out a plan of action.

I duck in an ally and make sure the demon can't see me.

I'm running out of time. If I don't end this soon, then the wisteria poison will take me down. Unless the demon gets to me first...

Maybe I should've requested backup...

I mentally kick myself for not having thought to bring backup with me.

I remain leaning against the brick wall for sometime after that, focusing my Total Concentration Constant in order to try to stall the poison.


My eyes snap open awhile later and I very slowly turn my head. I gasp under my breath as I see the wisteria mist circling around me and the ally I'm in.

It's like there's no escape from this thing!

I push off the wall before I take to the roof in hopes of getting away from the mist. However, it just follows after me.

"There's no use in running! My mist wi follow you and find you no matter where you go!" The demon calls to me, cackling towards the end.

Damn it!

I leap from roof to roof, needing to get away from the mist. But it was no good.

I block out any other hallucinations that attempt to cloud my judgement. No way was I gonna fall for that trick a third time!

As I escape the mist as best as I can, I search for my target.


I soon find him and ready my orcrist. "Pegasus Breathing, Eighth Form: Pegasus' Wrath!"

I jump off the roof and do a fast barrel roll. Then I send multiple fast slashes at the demon. He was unable to dodge it this time and as each attack hits him, a hoof would appear, causing the demon to grunt in pain.

I land on the ground and go to decapitate the demon but he narrowly dodges.

I hiss out of frustration and swing my sword for him. The demon is on the defence as I slash at him in an attempt to behead him.

As we fight, more and more hallucinations would attempt to disorient me but I do my best to block them out.

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