Chapter 6

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Asahi's P. O. V:

"Here you go! One plate of egg roll and one sausage with soy sauce!" The waiter says before setting the first on front of me, then the second in front of Giyu.

We thank him before we dig in.

"So good!" I say around a mouthful of egg roll.

Giyu asks, "Asahi-chan, about your Pegasus Breathing... did you create it, or learn it from someone else?"

"Hm?" I was a little surprised by his question. I swallow before I explain."No, I didn't create it. A user was trying to master Flower and Love Breathing before the Sengoku Era came to an end, they'd ended up creating Pegasus Breathing which branches off from Flower and Love Breathing. I'd discovered in scrolls before... before I ran away from home..."

Here, I avert my gaze as I don't really want to talk about my family.

"You... ran away from home?" Giyu asks.

I nod my head, poking an egg roll with my chopsticks. "I don't really want to talk about it, though. Otherwise, you'd probably see me as someone different. That's why no one else in the Demon Slayer Corps knows this. Not even my Tsugukos."

Giyu remains silent for a minute before he agrees, "Very well. I won't press for answers if you don't want to talk about it."

I give him a grateful smile as I murmur, "Thanks, Giyu-kun."

"So, when did you learn to ride like that?" Asks Giyu.

"Oh, err, I've been riding horses since I was four years old. My mum is quite the horse woman herself. I've had her since I was 12, so she'd be 9 years old by now. She was actually a birthday gift from my mother before I ran away," I explain. "I'm thinking of getting Kiaria a pony after this mission, but I'm not yet sure what kind to get her..."

I appear thoughtful as Giyu gazes at me curiously.

We continue eating breakfast in content silence.

When we finish breakfast and pay for the bill, a familiar caw reaches my ears.

"Caw, caw!" My kusagai crow, Rei, says as she flaps down to me. "Giyu Tomioka and Asahi Himari, you're to go to the town of Kaede and slay a demon that's been sighted there. Caw, caw!"

With that, Rei takes off again.

I glance at Giyu as I say with a smile, "It looks like we're working together again." He just nods his head. Giyu and I head for Kaede Town for our next mission, which is three days from here.


Giyu and I reach the beautiful town of Kaede in two days before sunset. We immediately go in search of the demon.

"According to reports, the demon can control all forces of gravity," I say.

"Seems like a rather strong demon then," Says Giyu.

"I wonder where it could be hiding, though?" I wonder aloud. We fall silent as we search for the demon. Soon, the sun sets, setting the town in darkness though the street lamps come on.

Giyu and I hear a few screams and we stop short, exchanging glances with each other. We give a nod before we take off running. When we reach the source of the screams, we find 4 people being held in the air by an invisible force.

I look to find an orange haired man with demon like features holding his hand up, and knew instantly he was a demon.

"Pegasus Breathing, Second Form: Triple Stomp," I say lowly after doing my iconic sword spin and dash up behind the demon with lightning speed.

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