Chapter 24

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Asahi's P. O. V:

The attack finally comes to an end and I scowl as I change for the enemy, doing a 180 backflip.

"Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight!" I bring my orchrist down but she dodges before slashing with another cherry blossom petal. I deflect it before I charge at her.

"I hate to inform you, but I favour men over women," Says the demon as we exchange slashes. "You wouldn't happen to have brought a male Hashira with you, would you?" I don't answer, keeping silent as my gaze is half lidded.

My silence gives her the answer she needs.

"That's too bad. I suppose I'll have to suffer devouring you, then," The demon pouts.

"Water Breathing, Fourth Form: Striking Tide." Giyu suddenly appears and thrusts his water covered sword at the demon, effectively cutting off her newly regenerated arm. She cries out while jumping backwards and glaring.

The demon jerks her gaze up at us only to pause at the sight of Giyu, his face impassive.

I inform the Water Hashira, "Be careful, Giyu. She uses cherry blossom petals to attack. It's a rather strong Blood Demon Art." He just nods his head in understanding.

"Your name is Giyu?" Inquires the demon. She smirks. "You'll be my next target."

I cut off the demon by charging right past Giyu and running around the demon in circles, my body a blur. "Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love," I say before I plunge my white orchrist rapidly for the demon. She hisses as holes in the shape of love hearts form on her body, then explode.

I go to decapitate her, when—

"Sakura Blood Demon Art: Detonating Petal," The demon says. I blink when a couple of cherry blossom petals Land on my arms. The demon grunts and the petals explode, causing me to cry out as I get thrown back.

I land in a pair of strong arms and shift my gaze to see Giyu. "Are you alright?" He asks in concern, helping me to my feet.

"Y-Yeah. I'll b-be fine," I respond, wincing.

"You're not the one I'm after," The demon tells me.

"Well, sorry, but I'm not letting you take him," I snap back, shooting her a death glare.

I flash behind her. "Pegasus Breathing, Second Form: Triple Stomp." I slash twice for neck but miss, then aim for her head but I also miss.

I grunt with irritation before I run around her at lightning speeds. "Pegasus Breathing, Blooming and Exploding Love!" I stab my sword at the demon and holes in the shapes of love hearts start to form over her body.

"Sakura Slash!" She sends out a cherry blossom petal but I deflect it, and another, and another. I go to chop off the demon's other arm but she dives out of the way in time. I aim another swing for her chest but again she dodges. "Pegasus Breathing, Tenth Form: Calming Meadow." I aim a singular slash at the demon but she evades it, before slashing at me with more cherry blossom petals.

"Sakura Blood Demon Art: Sakura Outburst," She says before flames cover her body. The demon charges at me and swings a few punches and kicks, which I manage to avoid, though barely. I aim a swipe of my sword at the demon, only for her to deflect it with her flaming fist.

It was a strong defence that my sword gets knocked out of my hands. It spins through the air and embeds into the ground near us.

I go to snatch it up but feel a flaming punch to the side of my head. I cry out as I'm sent rocketing back. I manage to catch my footing, though, and hiss in pain as I face my opponent.

"Shall we have a go at hand to hand?" I inquire before getting into a stance with my fists at the ready. I was pretty good at hand to hand combat, so I don't always need to rely on my sword for fighting.

The pink haired demon smirks. "Bring it, Pegasus Hashira." I charge straight for her and she goes to meet me. I grunt with exertion as our fists go flying, and we narrowly miss kicking each other.

I have to be careful to avoid getting hit by this technique, because it does burn. Luckily, my head injury isn't so serious.

I ignore the burn of the flames as I catch the demon's wrist in my hands. She gasps as her eyes jerk wide as I spin around, crying out with exertion. Finishing the spin, I slam the demon onto her back on the ground, earning a cry of pain.

I breathe heavily, wincing at the burn in my hands, before I bring up my left leg. Putting all my strength into it, I slam my foot deep into the demon's abdomen, earning another cry of pain.

I jolt back, hissing at the extra pain. Damn it, that was kinda stupid of me to do...

Fighting through the pain, I whirl around and race over to my orchrist. I pull it free and spin it before catching it in my hands as I whirl to face my opponent.

Giyu's P. O. V:

I was in awe of the white haired, purple eyed beauty beside me.

I couldn't believe what I'd just witnessed. She'd gone head to head with a demon in hand to hand combat. Aside from me, Asahi is one of the strongest Hashira in the Demon Slayer Corps. She's faster than Shinobu, too.

From just one glance, you would think Asahi is a weak and fragile girl from her appearance. But if you've seen her in a fight against an actual demon, like I have, you'd reconsider her strength.

I plan on telling Asahi how I really feel after this mission is done.

Asahi's P. O. V:

"Sakura Blood Demon Art: God Palm," Says the demon before she runs at me with palm at the ready.

When the demon thrusts it at my chest, there's a  "charging" sound, and I block it with my orchrist before I effectively chop off her hand. She hisses out of anger. The demon goes to thrust her other hand at me with the same move but I block it, too.

We exchange fierce attacks like this, with me narrowly avoiding the deadly attack.

"Water Breathing, Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin," Says Giyu. He brings his sword down on the demon but she narrowly dodges it before aiming her newly regenerated palm at him.

Giyu jumps back to avoid it.

"Pegasus Breathing, Fourth Form: Never Ending Bloom," I say before I dash around the pinkette. I stab my orchrist at her and flowers bloom along her body. She jumps back to avoid my finishing move.

"Sakura Outburst!" Flames appear over her body once again as she charges at me. The demon wildly swings her fists, trying to land a hit, but I either block or dodge.

"Water Breathing, Sixth Form: Whirlpool," Says Giyu. He performs a fierce whirling motion as water swirls around him. It cuts into the demon, causing her to stagger.

The demon hisses in anger before throwing a punch at the ravenette. He dodges it with ease.

"Pegasus Breathing, Third Form: Calming Love," I say, sending out multiple slashes at the demon.

They hit her, even as she jumps back to avoid my final attack.

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