Chapter 32

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For those of you who've already read the previous chapter, I've deleted the song I'd put in it.

Asahi's P. O. V:

I didn't have time to get changed into my Demon Slayer uniform so I just grabbed my nichirin sword and met everyone outside.

I murmur aloud as I count and point to each of the demons, "Let's see, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.... I count 8, including that one in the back." I shift my finger to the female demon with long dark hair, incredibly pale skin and green eyes.

I hear Ren suck in a sharp breath as Shinazugawa cracks his knuckles, grinning sadistically. "That sounds like a challenge to me!"

Shinobu nods her head in agreement as she smiles. "Though I wish we could all get along, we must protect Asahi's residence."

"You ready, Nezuko-chan?" Tanjiro asks his sister who grunts behind her bamboo muzzle and nods her head.

"What is it, Ren?" Asks Kiaria gently.

"..... That demon... but, it can't be...!" Ren stammers in disbelief.

I peer back at him as I press, "What is it? Do you know that demon or something?"

With his teal blue eyes wide, Ren says, "Th-That's the demon that killed my family—my parents and my little sister."

We all fall silent.

I feel my gaze hardening as I turn back to the group of demons.

"All the more reason to cut them down, the teme!" Shinazugawa snaps before he and the others begin to rush towards the demons.

"Wait!" I call, holding out my arms to stop the other Demon Slayers. I narrow my purple orbs at the incoming demons, specifically the dark haired female. "They're mine." This shocks everyone as they gape at me, and I could've sworn I heard Zenitsu's and Inosuke's jaws hitting the floor.

Giyu says wearily once he's finally overcome his initial shock, and I drop my arms, "Asahi, I know you want to prove yourself to your parents, but I don't think this is the right way to do that."

Shinobu nods her head as she agrees, "Yes. He's right. Like you said: there's 8 of them. You can't possibly take them on all by yourself."

"This isn't about that," I deny, shaking my head vehemently. I glare at the female I'd pointed at. "That demon hurt my Tsuguko by killing his family, when he's just a child. As Ren's Sensei, I feel it is my duty to seal away his darkness by slaying the demon that took everything from him...." Here, I clench my fists so tightly my knuckles turn ghost white. I feel understanding in Giyu's gaze as I add, "So, please, just let me handle this."

The other Hashira exchange glances with one another while the younger Demon Slayers look more uncertain.

"Very well, Asa-chan, if that's what you want," Murmurs the Water Hashira, and I smile gratefully at that.

I say as I slowly unsheathe my orchrist with a song of metal, and spin it in my right hand, then my left, before I catch it in my right hand again, "Your mission is to protect my Tsugukos."

That said, I blur out of their sight and appear behind one of the demons, performing my second technique. "Pegasus Breathing," I think, hooding my eyes, "Second Form: Triple Stomp!" I slash their neck twice before landing a third slash that sees their head rolling on the floor. This causes all the other demons to stop their stampede and whip around to me.

"Get her!!" The female screeches, and the other demons charge for me while my back is to them. I see my father watching from beside Aoi while biting his fingernails out of nervousness.

I sense a demon about to swing his claws at me but I dodge it and whirl around, before I dance back to evade more claw swipes. "Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight," I think before launching into a 180 degree backflip while swinging my faintly glowing sword. That demon's head joins its friend on the ground.

I backflip to avoid another set of claws, which is followed by a second pair.

I dodge those claws and deflect another set with my orchrist before I run around them at lightning speed. "Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love," I think while stabbing my orchrist into the two demons. Holes in the shape of love hearts appear, growing and expanding before I slice my orchrist forward. Another two heads hit the ground with squishy thuds.

I stop and spin to face two very fat demons, one of them cracking their knuckles as they both chuckle.

I just stare back at them with calmly hooded eyes. They charge towards me, roaring with challenge.

I dance around their claws and then rush at them. "Pegasus Breathing, Third Form: Calming Love," I think before I slash my white orchrist multiple times, sending out strong slashes. They strike both fat demons and they seem to stop in their tracks as a strong surge of love penetrates them.

Then, they crumble into ash at my feet.

I look at the seventh demon as it growls lowly. It then charges at me and attacks ruthlessly. I narrowly evade its claws. When I jerk back again, it was like slow motion as the demon's claws miss my face by mere inches.

"Pegasus Breathing, Fifth Form," I think as I twirl my orchrist and it begins to glow brightly, "Pegasus Finale." I dash at the demon before I bring up my sword arm. In the blink of an eye, its head was on the floor at my feet, eyes staring up at the starlit night.

Its body crumbles to ash just like the others as I ignore my stunned audience and slowly face my final opponent.

She stares back at me with narrowed eyes as I say, "You and I have some unfinished business."

"I don't believe we've met before, Pegasus Hashira," She retorts smoothly.

"No," I agree, doing my signature sword spin, "but surely you recognise my Tsuguko, Ren Kurosawa? Two years ago, you broke into his home and killed his parents and little sister."

A thoughtful expression crosses her features as she shifts her gaze to Ren and I catch my sword. "..... I still don't recognise him, though he does make me think of that red haired woman. The resemblance is undeniable." A smirk twists up her lips. "... I'll send you to join your family inside me, boy!"

In that moment, tentacles burst from the demon and shoot at blinding speed towards my male Tsuguko.

"Ren!!" Kiaria screams fearfully, as the redhead seems frozen in place.

Giyu goes to stop the tentacles with his blue nichirin katana, but he was too slow.

"Dammit! I won't make it in time," The Tomioka hisses, glaring.

Suddenly, the tentacles drop to the ground heavily as my white orchrist slices clean through them, having used my enhanced speed to get next to them in time, my hair swaying about my face as my bangs hide my eyes.

Everyone stares at me in shock as I get protectively in front of my Tsuguko, gripping my orchrist so it's pointed downward along my right arm.

"Sensei...!" Ren breathes in disbelief, teal blue eyes wide as the severed tentacles writhe around.

I say in a deathly low tone as I raise my head to glare hatefully at the demon before me, knuckles white around my sword hilt, "I'll never, ever let you touch my Tsuguko!! Your fight is with... me!!!"


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