Chapter 38

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Asahi's P. O. V:

It was nighttime after dinner and dessert as I make my way to my bedroom to do some reading before I went to bed.

It was nighttime after dinner and dessert as I make my way to my bedroom to do some reading before I went to bed

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Another month has passed since I met Muichiro and Mitsuri in my hometown.

I have started talking to my parents again as well.

As I was heading back to my bedroom, my father calls to me.

"Asahi." I stop but don't turn. "Asahi, I hope I'm not disturbing you," He says gentler, "I'm glad you're talking to me again. I've missed you the previous month." Here, I turn to see my father. "I want to talk to you. Can you come into my office, please?"

I nod my head and follow him to the courtroom, as I like to call it. I stand in front of dad, mum's chair empty.

Dad begins, "You miss your friends, don't you? The Demon Slayers?"

I nod my head as I reply, "I do, daddy. They're some of the best friends I've ever had."

Dad furrows his dark brows as he murmurs, "You really love him, don't you?" Another nod.

"With all my heart. I... I miss him, daddy. He's kind, and caring and the sweetest man I've ever met. Nothing could ever change the way I feel about him. I want to go back."

"But, I don't want my only daughter involved in any sort of fighting..." Dad says, trailing off.

"Daddy, there's no reason for you to worry about me," I tell dad sincerely. Dad falls silent, as though taking in my words.

Finally, he says, "Alright. Well, that's all I wanted to talk to you about. You may go, now."

Feeling a little puzzled, I incline my head before I resume heading back to my room to get some reading done before I went to bed.

Third Person's P. O. V:

Back at the Master's estate, all the right Hashira gather at the meeting place as they wait for Oyakata-sama to arrive. The only one who was missing, apart from Kyojurou and Tengen, was Asahi.

"Aagh, I envy you guys," Groans Sanemi. "Why can't I bump into Upper Moons?"

Obanai inputs, "It's not like people bump into them all the time. But how are you two doing, Kanroji, Tokito?"

"Oh, yeah! Yes! I'm feeling a lot better," Chimes Mitsuri with a blush.

"I... am not at full strength yet," Says Muichiro, bandaids in his cheeks.

Giyomei says with tears streaking down his cheeks, hands clasped together, "If we lose anymore Hashira, the Demon Slayers will be in trouble... but defeating two Upper Moons without casualties is very noble indeed..."

Shinobu states, "You two recovered surprisingly quickly from this. Did anything happen?"

Giyu says, "Oyakata-sama probably wants to talk to us about everything, including this."

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