Chapter 39

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Third Person's P. O. V:

The remaining seven Hashira linger in the meeting room after Giyu left. Shinazugawa is still seething.

He demands to know, frustration in his voice, "AAARRGGHH!! What's with that guy?! He's been like this ever since we got back from our mission at the Himari residence! I don't get him!!"

Shinobu says firmly, "You must understand where he's coming from, Shinazugawa. Asahi-chan was forced to stay behind in a place she wasn't happy in, even though it's her own home. And now he's been forbidden from ever going back and seeing her again. How do you think he feels? The love of his life got taken from him, and Tomioka hasn't been able to see her once since that mission." With each word Shinobu says, Shinazugawa's features begin to soften as he looks down at the floor.

Everyone is silent as they take in her words, Obanai also staring at the floor.

"Waaaahhhh!! I miss Asa-chan!!!" The Love Hashira suddenly cries.

The white haired male heaves a sigh as he solemnly closes his eyes.

"Awe! It warms my heart to hear you say that, Mitsuri-chan!" Chimes a very familiar female voice from the doorway, startling everyone but especially Shinazugawa. Everyone gasps as Mitsuri stops crying long enough to look in the direction of the voice. Standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed, hand over heart heart, and feet crossed in front of the other, is none other than Asahi herself.

She's now dressed in her Demon Slayer uniform with the knee length skirt, long sleeved white shirt with the black shirt over it and hood buttons, and white haori with pegasus wings and veins of pink decorating it, a purple trim along it. Her white hair with pink ends is in its usual waterfall ponytail tied back with a blue ribbon.

On Asahi's feet are tall purple kyahan and zori sandals with tall black socks.

At Asahi's left waist is her white orchrist in its sheathe with pegasus wings around the base of the hilt, mini versions of them running down the hilt that's pink and purple.

Asahi is smiling at her stunned comrades as they continue to gape at her, though she couldn't tell with Obanai due to the white bandages covering his entire lower face and Gyomei isn't gasping at all, though shock is evident on his features, despite the tears endlessly running down his face.

Mitsuri was the first to break the silence as she cries in joy, "ASA-CHAAANNN!!" Said girl's purple eyes jerk wide as the pinkette launches herself at her. Landing in a hug, the two girls go crashing to the floor as Asahi cries out in surprise.

"Oh, Asa-chan! You're back! You're really, really, really back!! I can hardly believe my eyes," The Kanroji exclaims, hugging the life out of her friend.

"M-Mitsuri-chan, I'm happy t-to see you too, but... c-can't breathe!" The Himari manages to wheeze out, startling Mitsuri a little.

"Oh! S-Sorry, Asa-chan!" The green eyed girl apologises before she quickly scrambles off Asahi and helps her to her feet.

"Wha...?! B-But how?!" Shinazugawa demands to know once he's finally gotten over his initial shock. "How the hell are you here?!"

"We'd heard your father took your sword and uniform and banned you from the Demon Slayer Corps," Murmurs Obanai, shock evident in his tone.

"Please explain to us, Asa-chan," The Kocho prompts, now smiling.

"Well..." The Pegasus Hashira trails off momentarily as she taps her chin. "... I guess I managed to convince my father after having told him all about you guys, and about how wonderful, amazing and kind my boyfriend is, and how much I love it here." She shrugs. "Then daddy finally understood and changed his mind. I don't really understand it myself, either, but I'm back!!"

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