Chapter 26

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Asahi's P. O. V:

I peel my eyes open with a soft moan to moonlight pouring in. I frown when I realise I'm not in the hospital at the Butterfly Estate anymore.

It takes me a moment but I realise that I'm in a room at a Wisteria House. Another moment, and the memory of the demon with the Sakura Blood Demon Art flashes through my mind.

I sit up with a gasp and look around. I pause as I notice that my wounds have been treated to, and there are bandages around my head, hands and left foot. There were band aids where the sakura petals have cut into me.

Who did this?

"Asa-chan?" A soft voice asks. I whip my head around to see the Water Hashira leaning up on his elbows and gazing at me. Immense relief fills his ocean blue orbs once he realises I'm awake. "You're alright!" I was a little surprised when he sits straight up and throws his arms around me in a fierce hug.

I relish in his body's warmth as I return the embrace. I ask, "Yes, I'm alright, Giyu-kun. Where are we?"

"A Wisteria House. I brought you here to tend to your wounds as soon as the mission was over," Explains the blue eyed male. He pulls back and gazes into my eyes. "You've been unconscious for three days. You've suffered some bad head wounds and those burns were pretty serious."

"You treated my wounds?" I ask in surprise. He nods.

"I tended to my own earlier. How do you feel?"

"Like hell, but a little better," I respond. He smiles at that, before turning serious.

"Listen, Asa-chan, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time now," Giyu begins seriously. I stay silent, allowing for him to continue. Giyu takes a deep breath. "I love you—I always have." Here, my purple eyes jerk wide with surprise.

"You... You love me?" I echo. He nods his head.

"I just think that you're the most amazing person I've ever met. You make me feel things I've never felt before. So, will you go out with me?"

I gaze at Giyu for a long moment, feeling my heart swell and soar.

"I'd love to. Because I love you too, Giyu-kun," I respond unwaveringly. Happiness lights up his blue orbs as a blush spreads across his cheeks.

"That makes me really happy."

Giyu gently cups my cheeks in his large hands and pulls me in for a long awaited kiss.

It was unlike anything I've ever felt before, and I feel like there's fire coursing through my veins, causing my heart rate to go a million miles per minute.

I never want this to end...

It unfortunately does come to end an end when Giyu and I have to break for air, our faces flushed.

"Whoa," I breathe. "That was..."

"... amazing," The Tomioka finishes, gazing into my eyes. "I never want this to end."

"Then don't let it," I murmur before he pulls me in for more kisses. We kiss for awhile longer before Giyu and I reluctantly break apart.

"As much as I want to keep going," He says, caressing my cheek, "you need to get some sleep."

"Fine," I say reluctantly. "But can I get some water first?"

Giyu smiles sheepishly as he nods before he gets up. While Giyu goes to get my water, I head into the bathroom.

When I exit, Giyu has returned and I down the water.

Then I get back into bed and drift off to sleep. "Goodnight, Asa-chan," My boyfriend says softly.

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