Chapter 36

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Third Person's P. O. V:

It was silent after the Demon Slayers have given their report to Oyakata-sama and the other Hashira, who have gathered for a Hashira meeting. The only other one who isn't present is Tengen Uzui, because he'd retired after his last mission.

Mitsuri is struggling not to cry because her friend isn't there.

The mood in the room was solemn without the warm presence of the Pegasus Hashira.

"So she stayed behind," Kagaya finally speaks up, sadness lacing his feather light tone.

Shinobu says gently, sounding sad, "Yes. Her father gave the order, then he had us put out of their home. I'm afraid none of us are welcome back."

"Tch!" The Wind Hashira mutters disdainfully, frowning.

"Yeah," Agrees Tanjiro. "I felt sadness radiating off Asahi-san when we left." Nezuko is back in the box strapped to his back due to it being late morning now, the sun shining brightly outside.

Zenitsu inputs solemnly, "Yeah, Sue really didn't want to be there."

Inosuke adds, "That place really makes her feel miserable."

"Oh, I wish we could've brought Asahi-chan back with us," Sighs the Insect Hashira longingly.

"And how are you handling it, Giyu?" Kagaya inquires the silent Water Hashira, sitting seiza style next to Shinobu.

Giyu hasn't said a word to anyone on the journey back from Asahi's hometown, and the others knew to give him space after having had the love of his life taken away from him.

"...... I'm alright, Oyakata-sama," The Tomioka responds in a dull, flat tone, his blue orbs cold once more.

Kagaya purses his lips. Giyu had started to open up since he'd started spending time with Asahi. Now that she's no longer with them, Kagaya is afraid Giyu is reverting back to his old, reserved self.

"Very well," Sighs Kagaya. "Things will be different without Asahi with us, but we must move on."

"I had no idea she was the daughter of the Himari family family," Says Obanai.

"Yes, it's quite surprising. Especially since Tomioka has kept it from us for so long," Adds Muichiro.

"It's sad that she is no longer with us," Hajime says, tears pouring endlessly down his face.

Kagaya declares, "That's the end of this Hashira meeting. You're all dismissed."

Giyu doesn't say anything as he gets to his feet and bows in respect to Kagaya. The white eyed man inclines his head in understanding. Everyone watches as Giyu turns and leaves.

A little ways away from the mansion, Giyu pauses by a tree, his head bowed. Asahi's smiling face enters his mind before it morphs into her last expression he saw: tears pouring endlessly down her cheeks and hitting the floor once her father has decided her fate.

Hopelessness at never seeing his girlfriend again fills his heart before anger starts to boil in his veins. Gritting his teeth so hard they hurt, Giyu curses aloud as he swings his fist and it connects powerfully with the tree trunk, causing it to shudder a bit.


Everything falls silent once more as Giyu's fist loosens and then slowly slides off the bark, his fingers running along it.

Nobody else was there to see the tears dripping down Giyu's face out of sadness at the thought of never seeing Asahi again, as he continues to make his way home.

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