Chapter 4

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Asahi's P. O. V:

I click my sword into place on my left hip as I stand outside the Master's room.

"Guess I'll be heading off now," I murmur before I begin to make my way to the gate.

"Himari!" I pause and turn to see Giyu behind me.


"Are you heading out for a mission?" He asks.

I nod my head. "Uh huh. I just got called out to a village a couple of days away. You?"

"I have to go to MT. Kemuri. A demon's been sighted there," He answers as I start towards the gate.

We stop just outside it and I turn to face Giyu. "Well, good luck," I say. Giyu just inclines his head.


I body flicker away from him as I head to my destination.

When I reach the house, I find I was already too late. Blood stains the walls and furniture has been knocked over.

"I'm too late," I murmur.

As I was searching the house just to make sure, and to check there was no sign of a demon, I hear the creak of a door opening from a cupboard in the living room.

I freeze and frown towards it, silently inching my hand towards my blade. I step quietly over to the cupboard and gently pull the door open. I gasp upon seeing a boy, about the same age as Kiaria, with spiky red hair and teal blue eyes pressed into the back corner with a knife held in his hands. His blue eyes are wide with fear and face pale.

(What the boy looks like just without the Demon Slayer uniform and with teal blue eyes)

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(What the boy looks like just without the Demon Slayer uniform and with teal blue eyes)

"Hey," I say in a gentle tone as I squat down. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. The demon is gone, I promise. I'm a Hashira and I've been here to—whoa!" I jerk back just in time to dodge a wild swing of the boy's knife. "Hey, take it easy! I'm not a demon!"

The boy just growls and swings the knife for me wildly again, and again, and again, forcing me outside. I have to unsheathe my white nichirin blade to block his wild swings.

"Please, stop! I don't want to hurt you," I try to explain.

"My family are all dead!" He yells, tears now leaking down his face. "They're gone! That demon killed then!"

"I know, and I'm sorry. I wish I'd gotten here sooner. The only thing that matters now is that you're alive," I say calmly, my purple eyes soft.

"Sorry isn't going to bring them back!" The boy shouts.

"I know that too. I want to help you, if you'll let me," I say.

"I refuse!"

The boy growls before throwing himself at me while pulling back the knife. I simply flick it out of his hand with my sword before I strike the side of my hand against his neck, instantly knocking the boy out.

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