Chapter 11

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Asahi's P. O. V:

I was just finishing feeding Kirameki and Kiaria was feeding Yume dinner when Rei flies over to me.

"Caw, caw! Asahi Himari, you're to go on a mission to Chinshu Town with Giyu Tomioka to slay a demon that's been sighted there! Caw, caw!" Rei flaps away into the night.

I tell my blonde haired Tsuguko, "I should go get ready." She nods and finishes up with the horses while I go shower and put on a clean uniform.

When I exit the house, I find the Water Hashira already outside waiting.

"Ready?" I ask. He nods and we leave for our destination.


Chinshu Town is a rather beautiful but humble looking place. Giyu and I reach it by nightfall on the third day and immediately go looking for the demon.

Apparently, from what we've heard from the townspeople, it's an invisible demon that can also shapeshift.

Looks like Giyu and I have quite the task on our hands.

"So how does one look for a demon that's supposedly invisible and can shapeshift?" I muse out loud.

"From what I gather," Says Giyu, "It doesn't actually become invisible, but that it can hide its scent and presence and use their surroundings as a disguise. They can also hide the scent of their blood."

"That would make it harder to find the demon," I sigh.

Giyu and I continue searching the streets for the demon.

"Are you two looking for someone?" A female voice asks, causing Giyu and I to jerk around. A beautiful black haired woman stands before us, her eyes green.

"Um, we're looking for a demon that was sighted in this town," I tell her. I give the woman its description, hoping she might know something.

"Hmmm, I see... so you're Demon Slayers... no, I haven't seen any demon," The woman says, a dark glint in her eyes that I remain oblivious to. "But if I do see it, I'll be sure to let you know."

In the blink of an eye, claws are whipped out and shooting towards me. I gasp sharply as I didn't have any time to react.


I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and throw me to the ground. I roll a couple of times along with my saviour before we come to a stop with Giyu on top of me.

"What are you doing, Giyu-kun?" I ask, blinking up at him.

"Saving you from the demon," He says before scrambling off me and facing the demon. Giyu swiftly unsheathes his nichirin blade. "Water Breathing, Fourth Form: Striking Tide!" Giyu lunges for the demon who manages to evade his attack.

Giyu stands in front of me with his knees bent as I get to my feet.

"So you're the demon," Giyu grits out.

"Indeed I am," She says. "I'll be having you two for dinner."

"Not happening!" I say, spinning my sword before I spin it again in my Fifth Form. I rush at the demon and swing my glowing sword for its neck. I miss as it dives to the side, only to be met with Giyu.

"Water Breathing, Third Form: Flowing Dance," Giyu says before twisting his sword gracefully along his body. He thrusts his sword at the demon but she dodges.

"Pegasus Breathing, Third Form: Calming Love," I say and send out multiple slashes of my sword. Once again the demon avoids the attack. Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love!" I dash at the demon with lightning speed and stand my sword for her. Holes appear in the shape of love hearts but the demon jumps away before I had the chance to decapitate her.

The demon immediately camouflages in with its surroundings, using them as a disguise. It chuckles as I grit my teeth.

I feel something whizzing for me but I jump back to avoid it. I bring up my orcrist and exchange a few slashes with the demon. The demon kicks me back only to be met with Giyu's Flowing Dance, his water covered sword twisting gracefully agony his body and hitting the demon, but not the neck.

The demon lunges for me and swings their claws which I deflect with my sword. "Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight," I say as I do a 180 degree backflip as my sword glows brightly. I swing it for the demon but only cut off its arm. I land and face the demon. "Pegasus Breathing, Tenth Form: Calming Meadow."

I send a singular slash at the demon but they dodge it.

"Water Breathing, Tenth Form: Constant Flux," Says Giyu as he sends out a massive water dragon that roars furiously. The demon dances back to avoid it as the water attack pursues him.

"Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love," I say. I dash around the demon at lightning speeds before I thrust my orcrist at them. Holes in the shape of love hearts appear along their body but they jump away and camouflage themselves to avoid the swipe to their neck.

I hiss in annoyance as I skid to a stop beside Giyu.

"It disappeared again!" I say in annoyance.

"Calm down. Let's just think about where it'll attack from," Says Giyu calmly. I nod and watch my surroundings carefully.

The demon suddenly attacks as it slashes my right arm with its claws, causing me to let out a hiss. The demon grins as I slash at it but it avoids my attack.

The demon then camouflages again.

"Let's go in search of it," Giyu suggests, making me nod. He gazes down at my right arm. "Is your arm okay?"

I glance down at it. It was a nasty cut but nothing fatal. I say as I look at the blue eyed man, "I'll be fine. Really."

Giyu looks like he wants to protest but nods because we have to find the demon before it hurts anymore civilians.

Giyu and I walk through the mostly deserted streets. The civilians have cleared them when the fighting started.

I see a shadow moving beside Giyu and jump in front of him to block an attack from the demon. I gasp as I come face to face with myself.

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