Chapter 31

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Giyu's P. O. V:

Asahi takes my hand in both her own as she starts leading me to the stables and says, "Come on! I'll show you my favourite place here." We reach the stables in front of the house and Asahi let's go if my hand in order to push the doors open. A kind of musty smell invades my nostrils, along with the smell of hay and horses. Several heads poke out from the stalls on either side, and another corridor leads to probably the tack and feed rooms. I only recognise Kirameki as she pricks her ears forward excitedly, nickering. Asahi glances back at me with a smile I haven't seen on her face since we left, and I follow her to Kirameki's stall.

We reach it and Asahi hugs her horse's head as she murmurs, "How're you settling in, girl?" Asks the Himari. Kirameki snorts and I could've sworn it was almost like they were communicating in a language only Asahi could understand. The purple eyed girl smiles sadly as she pulls back and strokes her horse's white forelock. "Looks like we'll be staying longer than planned."

I inquire, "Aren't you going to try to persuade your parents to let you come back with us?"

Asahi gives me a sad, hopeless expression that breaks my heart. She says, "I'll still try, but I don't think anything I say now will get through to them. You heard what my father said at dinner. I have to marry the son of one of our fellow trading companies." Here, the Pegasus Hashira pulls a face.

"I'm sorry, Asa-chan," I apologise softly, sympathy in my tone. "If only there was something I could do..."

Asahi says, gaze on the palomino, "Don't bother yourself, Giyu-kun. I probably shouldn't have run away in the first place... but, then again, if I hadn't, I never would've met my Tsugukos or the most wonderful man in the world."

I smile at that as I feel my heart swelling with warmth.

Asahi turns serious as she faces me fully. "Listen, Giyu-kun, I need you to promise me something when you leave tomorrow."

I ask, "What is it?"

"Look after my Tsugukos and protect them for me." My smile fades at Asahi's pleading expression. "I won't be around to do it myself, because we both know my parents will keep me locked up here."

"Can't Kiaria and Ren just live with you here?" I question. Asahi shakes her head.

She says, "My parents won't allow it, and I don't want Kiaria and Ren to be locked up in this place, either. So, please take care of them for me."

I gently squeeze Asahi's hand in mine as I promise, "I will. I promise." A grateful smile stretches across the girl's lips at that. I cup her cheek, caressing it softly as I gaze at my girlfriend. She half closes her eyes, leaning into my touch.

After awhile, Asahi straightens and says, "We should probably get back

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After awhile, Asahi straightens and says, "We should probably get back." I nod my head. Asahi and I lean in and kiss each other deeply, probably for the last time before I leave tomorrow. We soon break the kiss and Asahi gives Kirameki a kiss on her nose and a final pat before she leaves the barn with me, closing the doors behind us.

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