Chapter 27

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Asahi's P. O. V:

A couple of weeks have passed and I was getting checked on by Shinobu.

She unravels the bandages and studies the healed up burns on my body. "Well, your wounds seemed to have healed up nicely. You're free to go and return to work."

I grin at that as I say, "Thank you, Shinobu!" She beams at me and dismisses me. I exit the room to find Giyu waiting outside, leaning against the opposite wall with his foot propped up and arms crossed.

Giyu jerks his gaze up at the sound of the door opening and asks, "How did it go?"

I reply, "Shinobu has given the all-clear for me to return to work!"

A smile touches Giyu's lips as he pushes away from the wall and says, "That's good to hear. I'm glad you're all better now."

I say as we leave the Butterfly Estate and head for my own, "I'm just glad to be finally out of those bandages." Giyu and I reach my estate and I immediately go see Kirameki. The palomino trots up to the fence and nickers happily. I stroke her white forelock. "Hey, girl. I'm free of those bandages and all healed up to go riding again soon."

Kirameki nickers again as if in response before she trots back to Yume.

I perch on the fence to watch the horses gallop around the paddock and Giyu joins me. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and I lean comfortably into him.

I could stay in these arms forever...

We watch Yume and Kirameki gallop and play with one another for a few hours before Giyu and I go back inside my house. I make lunch and be sure to make simmered salmon and daikon for Giyu. He enjoys it a lot as we eat in my dining room together.

As I was finishing washing up, Giyu suddenly presses me against the wall next to my fridge. My heart picks up at our close proximity as Giyu leans in. Our lips meet and we kiss heatedly and passionately.

I thread my fingers through Giyu's soft black hair and give a firm tug. This earns a growl from him, and I smile, thinking he must like that. So after he kisses me a couple more times, I give his hair another tug, making Giyu growl once more.

Giyu then picks me up and carries me over to my couch where he sets me down. Giyu leans atop he as he continues to kiss me, right hand resting on my side.

We kiss for awhile longer until we have to break for air. Both of our faces are flushed as we gaze into each other's eyes. I smile softly as I caress Giyu's cheek.

"I love you, Giyu-kun," I murmur.

"I love you, too, Asa-chan," He murmurs back before lying next to me beside the back of the couch and pulling me into his chest. I smile to myself when Giyu buries his face in my white and pink hair. We remain in each other's arms comfortably for a few minutes before Giyu speaks again. "Asa-chan, could you sing something, please?"

I smile as I reply, "Of course."

"If you're lost
And feel like you're alone
I'll be the one to guide you home
You'll never have far to go
When the waves
Are crashing against your heart
Winds blowing you out too far
No, you don't have to row so hard
I'll be your a-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
A-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
I'll be your anchor
I'll be your a-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
A-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
I'll be your anchor
If you're lost
And feel like you're alone
I'll be the one to guide you home
You'll never have far to go
When the waves
Are crashing against your heart
Winds blowing you out too far
No, you don't have to row so hard
I'll be your a-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
A-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
I'll be your anchor
I'll be your a-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
A-a a-a a-a anchor
I'll be your anchor
I'll be your anchor"

I then decide to sing another song.

"What are you willing to lose?
You cover your wounds, but underneath them
A million voices in your head that whisper, "Stop, now"
Another twist of the knife, turn of the screws
It's all in your mind and it's fighting you
Arm yourself, a storm is coming
Well, kid, what you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly
And now you're playing with matches
Come out of the ashes underneath you
A million voices in the crowd they're screaming, "Stop, now"
We'll let 'em swallow their pride, you're turning the tide to true believers
Got them in the palm of your hand, you're playing God now
What you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly"

When I look back at Giyu, I find he's already asleep, arms wrapped securely around me. I gently stroke his cheek before I too drift off for an afternoon nap.


Giyu and I were woken to the sound of giggling and we look to see my Tsugukos standing beside us. While Kiaria was giggling, Ren was giving us a raised eyebrow.

"Are we interrupting something, Sensei?" The red haired boy inquires.

I say as we sit up, "No. nothing at all. I invited Giyu to lunch after my doctor's appointment."

Kiaria asks seriously, "How did it go?"

I hold up my arms to show them the missing bandages as I say, smiling, "Shinobu-chan gave the all-clear to go back to work. And to ride again."

"That's great!" The blonde haired girl chimes. "We jut got back from a mission."

I ask, "How did it go?"

Ren responds with a disinterested shrug of his shoulders, "It was a success."

"I'd expect nothing more from my Tsugukos!"

Kiaria and Ren take their leave.

"I should probably get going," Says Giyu as he gets up. I pout a little.

"I wish you could stay awhile longer."

Giyu smiles softly at me as I stand up and follow him to the door. "I'll be back tomorrow, if you want me to."

I smile as I nod my head vigorously. "You know I do."

Giyu chuckles. We stop at the front door and he lightly grips my chin before leaning in and kissing my lips. I kiss him back just as deeply.

We pull apart and I watch with a dreamy expression as my boyfriend steps out of my hues and closes the door softly behind him.

I then turn and go get ready for a ride.

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