Chapter 33

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Asahi's P. O. V:

Before the demon could launch more tentacles, I move first.

"Pegasus Breathing, Third Form: Calming Love," I think as I rush at the ravenette and rapidly slash my orchrist.

"Blood Demon Art, Tendril Control: Koro!" The demon calls before tendrils form along her arms and form sharp thorns at the end. She swings them for me but my attack slices right through.

"Pegasus Breathing, Eighth Form: Pegasus Wrath," I think before I launch myself into the air. Doing a barrel roll, I send multiple slashes at the opponent.

"Blood Demon Art, Tendril Control: Tendril Tornado!" Says the woman as she forms a tornado out of her tentacles and it drills right toward me. My attack slams right into it and I slam into the ground, as the demon jumps back, sending debris flying as there's an explosion.

I hear Kiaria cry out as Giyu shields her, "Sensei's one track mind is going to kill us one day!"

I straighten and use my sword to deflect more of those thorns.

"Pegasus Breathing, Second Form: Triple Stomp," I think before I blur behind the demon. I aim a slash at the back of her neck, however, more tendrils wrap around her.

"Blood Demon Art, Tendril Control: Cage." I grit my teeth as they seem to protect her. I jump back when she shoots more of those thorns at me. I dive to the side when more thorns are sent my way, before I use my Third Form to cut through more.

"Blood Demon Art, Tendril Control: Twisted Trail," The demon says before she shoots out ten tendrils. I barely manage to dodge some and cut down others.

"Pegasus Breathing, Sixth Form: Petals Fall," I murmur before I proceed to stab my enemy. Petals start to grown on her body before they crumble away. I jump back as she shoots thorns at me with a hiss of anger. "Pegasus Breathing, Ninth Form: Blooming Love." I slash once and my strike hits the demon, but before I could behead her, she uses the Cage technique to block me.

I hiss before I cut it open with my Second Form. I go to slash her neck a third time but the tentacles reform. More tentacles with thorns launch at me but I manage to do a couple of backhand springs to get out of the way in time.

"Pegasus Breathing," I think, "Third Form: Calming Love." I slash multiple times and each slash severs a tentacle as it shoots towards me. I dash at the dark haired demon. "Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight." Upon nearing the female, I do a 180 degree backflip and aim a swing for her head. She dodges before shooting a tornado of tentacles at me. I use my Third Form yet again to cut them up before I land in a crouch with my free hand on the ground for balance.

I glare at the demon through my bangs. We seem to stare each other down as my comrades watch in tense silence.

"Pegasus Breathing, Ninth Form: Blooming Love," I think before I send a singular, swift slash at my opponent. Tentacles shoot out to protect her before they launch towards me with the Koro technique.

I use my Third Form to sever them. "Pegasus Breathing, Sixth Form: Petals Fall," I think before I run at the demon and stab her with my orchrist. Petals form and crumble to the ground. The female hisses violently before avoiding my last stab. I then start to run around her as she uses her Twisted Trail technique.

I start to run around the demon as I think, "Pegasus Breathing, Fourth Form: Never Ending Bloom. I stab my sword into the demon and flowers grow along her. I go to decapitate the demon but she uses her tentacles to block me. "Pegasus Breathing, Fifth Form: Pegasus Finale." My sword glows a faint white light as I swing, cutting open the tentacles. They start to reform and I use my Ninth Form to try to sever her neck.

The tentacles finish reforming and more of the ones with thorns shoot at me again. I grunt with effort as I perform a few backhand springs out of the way.

The demon says, "You will never defeat me. No Hashira or Demon Slayer has survived my Blood Demon Art."

I reply with hard eyes, "I will defeat you. Because I made a vow to seal away Ren's darkness. I won't give in till you're an ash corpse at my feet."

A pondering expression settles over the female's face as she tilts her head. She muses, "You know, you're strangely fond of the boy..."

I tell her simply, "He's my Tsuguko. I made another promise to protect him." I ignore the feeling of the Spider Lily user staring at me at those words. I slash my sword multiple times as I unleash my Third Form, but the demon dodges it. "I'd give my life for him, and Kiaria," I add as I get back into my stance before I blur back behind her and slash twice with my Second Form, though tentacles block my sword but become severed with the third slash. I go to decapitate the demon but she dodges away from me.

I run at her while swinging my faintly glowing sword and sun to decapitate the demon with Pegasus Finale. She dodges that too.

"So you say..." The dark haired female murmurs. She switches her green eyes to Ren before a smirk twists at her lips. "Let's put that to the test, shall we?"

I furrow my white eyebrows but gasp sharply when I see tentacles with thorns shooting for Ren again. "No, Ren!" I cry out, my feet already moving.

"I have to get to him!" I think with gritted teeth as I use my enhanced speed.

Before the throned tentacles could slash into my Tsuguko, I had thrown my arms around him and shield him with my body, feeling a nasty sting in my back as the throned tentacles cut into me.

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