Chapter 34

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Third Person's P. O. V:

Everyone stares in shock while Giyu, Sanemi, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Hideo gape as they watch the Pegasus Hashira shield Ren with her own body, the thorns digging into her back. Shinobu and Kiaria were covering their mouths with their hands, eyes so incredibly wide they hurt.

Like with Aoi who stiffens like a board as he stares with a pale face at the girl he loves.

The demon blinks as she pulls back. "Not a bad move, Pegasus Hashira," She purrs. "Let's see how you handle this!" Another few tentacles are shot at Asahi.

Clenching her teeth and tightening her arms around the boy, Asahi jumps out of the way of the attack, landing more to her left. She senses another attack coming and goes to dodge yet again, however a couple of thorns dig into the backs of her arms.

Asahi lets out a scream of pain at this, before she looks down at Ren who has tears threatening to spill from his eyes as they waver.

Asahi lands, ignoring the painful stings and the feeling of blood oozing down her arms and back. She drops to her knees, still holding her precious Tsuguko against her.

"Why won't you just abandon the boy to save yourself?" Her opponent inquires as Asahi's body trembles a little, though her grip never loosens. "That's what I would have done."

The Himari seethes, "He's my Tsuguko. I... I will protect this child!!" Here, the white haired girl whips a glare that could possibly kill back at the demon, causing her to narrow her green orbs spitefully.

 I will protect this child!!" Here, the white haired girl whips a glare that could possibly kill back at the demon, causing her to narrow her green orbs spitefully

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"Then you can join him inside me!" The demon screeches before she shoots more tentacles at them.

Asahi sighs at the pain as he grip loosens a bit. It's taking everything in Asahi to fight against the deep wounds in her back, but she must protect Ren, no matter what.

"A-Asahi Sensei!" Ren cries, as the tears finally fall, causing her to look at him. "P-Please! I-I promise! I'll do whatever you say from now on!"

Asahi smiles gently as she tells him, "Oh, Ren, as your Sensei, I'll protect you to the very end, okay?"

Ren could only stare with wavering teal blue eyes as the tentacles near them. Asahi shields the redhead just like she did before, not having enough time to get out of the way.

However, the tentacles didn't make contact and Ren and Asahi hear them hitting the floor. Confused, Sensei and student peer around only to stare in surprise at a furious looking Giyu, as he hacks off the attacking tentacles with his water covered sword, having used his Fourth Form: Striking Tide.

"G-Giyu-kun!" Asahi gasps happily as the Tomioka lands protectively before her in a crouch.

"I know you said you'd be the one to defeat this demon," Says Giyu in his soft voice as he glances back at his kneeling girlfriend, a pointed expression on his features, "but I figured now would be the best time to lend you a hand."

"I don't mind, Giyu-kun," She assures him, gratitude in her voice. "Thanks for the save." Giyu nods his head and turns back to the demon before him.

"You should rest and let me and the others take over."

Asahi makes sure her Tsuguko is really alright before she pushes herself to her feet and stands next to the Water Hashira. "It's alright. I can keep fighting," Asahi assures him.

"You shouldn't push yourself with those wounds," Giyu gently scolds her as he turns his head.

Here, Asahi places her hand on his cheek, causing Giyu to blink his ocean blue orbs a few times. Asahi says firmly, "I said I'm alright to keep fighting. I need to protect Ren for me, okay? Just please, let me finish this."

Giyu opens his mouth to argue but the tone she used and her expression leave no more room for arguing. So Giyu closes his mouth once more, nods his head and goes to stand protectively in front of the Spider Lily user.

Asahi faces her opponent once more and takes a deep breath, using Total Concentration Breathing Constant in order to stop the bleeding of her wounds for now.

Doing her signature sword spin for the final time that night, the purple eyed girl challenges, "Let's finish this!"


Asahi thinks as she readies herself to attack, "Pegasus Breathing, Tenth Form: Calming Meadow." She slashes once and it misses her opponent completely as she dodges. "Pegasus Breathing, Third Form: Calming Love." Asahi sends out multiple slashes while the demon launches more thorns at her.

When she starts to lash at the Himari with her thorns, Asahi deflects them with her sword.

Asshi starts running around the enemy with extreme speed. "Pegasus Breathing, Fourth Form: Never Ending Bloom." Asahi stabs at the demon and flowers grow along her, causing the demon to lower her guard.

Asahi launches herself at her to decapitate the demon but she dances away from the young woman. Asahi deflects more thorns with her orchrist.

"Heh. I hate to say it won't be enough to help you," Says the demon.

"Well," Asahi retorts smoothly, sneering, "we wont know till I try, right?!"

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