Chapter 2

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Asahi's P. O. V:

"Pegasus Breathing, Fifth Form: Pegasus Finale," I say as I twirl my orcrist. It starts to glow and I swing it at the demon, aiming for its neck. Like those other times it dodges and we resume exchanging slashes at one another. "Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight." I jump up into the air and do a 180 degree backflip as my orcrist glows a faint white light.

The demon dives to the side as I go to behead him.

"Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love," I growl before thrusting my sword at the demon. He barely manages to evade my attacks but a few holes in the shape of live hearts appear over his body, causing the demon to stagger.

I smirk before I swing my sword for the demon but have to jump away t avoid his claws. He swings his claws at me a few more times but I deflect them with my orcrist.

The demon attempts to throw me off with more illusions.

I whirl around to the demon. "Your hallucinations won't fool me anymore!"

"Oh, really?" He muses.

"No, they won't! I'm about to end you!" I inform, feeling a bit weaker and feeling like I'm about to throw up. Not now! "Pegasus Breathing, Second Form: Triple Stomp!" I run at the demon at lightning speed before I flash right behind him. I then slash my sword at him two times before slashing a third time for his neck. The demon jerks away but I get his right shoulder. It heals itself in a few minutes. "Pegasus Breathing, Sixth Form: Petals Fall."

I stab at the demon and as I do, petals of flowers form along his body. The demon's eyes jerk wide when he sees that he's beginning to crumble away with each petal that forms on his body.

The demon finally finds the energy to pull away from me and get a safe distance between us.

"I've had enough of this!" He snaps. "I think it's time for you to go to sleep, Pegasus Hashira."

"I don't think so," I say lowly before I run at the demon. "Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight!"

I jump up and do a 180 degree backflip as my sword glows a faint white light. The demon shoots some wisteria mist at me right as my sword slices clean through his neck.

His head hits the ground just as I land and I stagger, feeling a wave of dizziness easy over me as my vision blurs.

"Oh, no..." I think as I sway. "Is this it? Did that demon actually get to me?"

I hit the ground and fight to stay conscious but the drowsiness was weighing on me.

As my eyes drift slowly close, I could make out a pair of feet heading in my direction. Above the zori sandals are white kyahan.

So I might be saved then? But who is it?

I slip into unconsciousness before I could even begin to figure it out.

Giyu's P. O. V:

I was on my way back from my mission when I pass through the town of Aiya. As I do, I hear the sounds of fighting and see what looks to be mist floating around.

I decide to investigate and keep hidden behind a building. I peer out cautiously only for my eyes to widen at the sight of a familiar white and pink haired girl with a winged patterned haori, a rather unique sword gripped in her hand.

I watch as she snaps back at the demon, sounding furious but looking quite ill. "I don't think so," The white haired girl says lowly before she runs at the demon. "Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight!"

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