Chapter 29

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Asahi's P. O. V:

I don't know how long I've been sitting by that lake, my head hiding in my arms, when I sense someone—Giyu—approaching me.

"Asahi-chan," Giyu addresses in his soft voice, though I don't look up. "Asa-chan." His voice is slightly firmer this time, but I still don't look up. I hear him sigh before Giyu approaches me and sits beside me. "You can't run away from them forever. They are your parents."

"I know," I say in a near inaudible tone, "but I don't want to go back to a place where my life is controlled and my future is already decided for me. And, if I do go back..." I sniffle, swallowing a tear. "I'll never get to see you or my Tsugukos again." I finally raise my head to meet Giyu's eyes, noticing how dark it's gotten already.

Giyu's blue orbs widen at the sight of the silver tears streaming down my cheeks. His features soften, an expression I've only ever seen around me.

Giyu reaches forwards and gently wipes the tears from my face. He says, "I won't let them take you, but I think you should at least go see them. It's been, what? Five years since you ran away? At least go and talk to them. Maybe you can convince them to let you stay in the Demon Slayer Corps with me, Ren and Kiaria?"

Giyu gives a hopeful smile.

I don't mimic it as I let out a depressed sigh, turning my head away from him. "No matter what I say, my parents won't listen. They only see me as a weak, defenceless and hopeless little girl."

I let out a shaky sob as I drop my head in my arms once more.

Giyu says slowly, "Maybe they'll change their minds once they see you fight...?"

I don't respond, just continue to cry into my arms, curling my fingers into fists. Giyu sighs softly and rubs my back soothingly.


"Argh!! I still can't believe you're the daughter of the Himari family! What I don't get is, why you never told us in the first place?! That would've saved us a whole lotta trouble, ya know!" Sanemi demands angrily as he, Giyu, Shinobu, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kiaria, Ren and Aoi escort me back home, with me riding my horse, my bags attached to her saddle.

Giyu had managed to convince me to go back, even if only to try talking to my parents about remaining in the Demon Slayer Corps.

I don't even look at him as I keep my gaze shadowed by my bangs.

"Leave her alone, Shinazugawa!" Giyu snaps harshly, much to the Wind Hashira's shock.

Getting over his shock, Sanemi whirls on my boyfriend. He demands to know, jabbing an accusing finger at Giyu, a flustered expression on his features, "And you!! How long have you known?! When were you planning on telling the rest of us?!"

"I've known for quite awhile, but Asa-chan has asked me not to tell anyone, because she thought you'd see and treat her differently," Responds Giyu, still glaring.

"I gotta say, though, I'm surprised," Says Shinobu as she gazes at me with softer eyes. "I never would've thought you're the Asahi Himari."

Sanemi scoffs, "Tch! I suppose the name should've been a big give away—"

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Sanemi scoffs, "Tch! I suppose the name should've been a big give away—"

He's cut off when Giyu abruptly whirls to him and grabs the front of his black shirt, dragging Sanemi closer to him. "I said leave her alone, Shinazugawa!"

"Or you'll do what?" The white haired male sneers.

"U-Um, can you guys please not f-fight?" Tanjiro speaks up, sweat dropping nervously. He didn't want a fight to break out between two Hashira right now. They were making him and Zenitsu nervous.

 They were making him and Zenitsu nervous

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"Yes, please. There's really no need," Shinobu inputs, frowning at the males. "Please, calm yourselves down. We're almost at the Himari residence."

Giyu continues to glare at Sanemi until I speak in a soft voice, for the first time since we left my estate.

"I-It's alright, Giyu-kun. Don't waste your energy on Shinazugawa-san." I see Sanemi's eye twitching at that from the corner of my own. Giyu spares Sanemi a final death glare before he roughly shoves him away. Giyu ignores Sanemi as he falls into step beside Kirameki.

Zenitsu addresses Aoi curiously, "Um, Aoi-san?" The blue haired man glances to him pointedly. "I've been wondering, who exactly are the Himari family? I get that they're rich and all, but how?"

Aoi answers as he glances to me, "They became so wealthy and known to every bank by mercantile success and engendering social advancement, rising to become immensely wealthy and influential."

"Whoa!" Breathes Kiaria as she and the others (minus Giyu and Sanemi) gaze at me with awe, though it was kinda hard to tell with Inosuke, due to his boar mask.

"I can't wait to meet them," Says Tanjiro. "I'm sure they're really nice." I still say nothing as we travel the rest of the way in silence.

In a few more hours, we reach my former hometown and Aoi leads everyone to my old home.

Huge walls surround the place and two guards stand at the door.

Aoi goes up to them as he addresses, "I have returned with Asahi-sama."

The guards look at me in surprise before they bow. The guards then open the gate and Aoi steps through. We all follow and Kiaria, Ren, Shinobu, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Tanjiro and Sanemi gape or gasp in awe.

"Holy! This place is freaking huge!" Zenitsu cries out, his eyes bugging in their sockets. The gardens are lined with paths and filled with hedges and bushes. One garden has a pond with a stream that leads to the river beside the house.

 One garden has a pond with a stream that leads to the river beside the house

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There's a set of stables for the horses and my house is behind that.

"Why would you want to run away from a place like this?!" Exclaims Inosuke, gold sparkles floating around him.

"This is incredible! I've never been here before," Shinobu gushes as I dismount and stay close to my horse.

Aoi turns back to us and gestures as he says, "Follow me. A guard will take Kirameki from you, Asahi-sama."

Almost as soon as he says that, a guard does come and takes the palomino to her old stall. Giyu places a reassuring hand on my shoulder as I gaze after her. I glance at Giyu and he offers a soft smile.

I let out a depressed sigh as I follow my comrades to my house.

"I hate this place..."

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