Chapter 13

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Asahi's P. O. V:

I walk around, looking for the demon. It's been fifteen minutes and the demon hasn't showed up again. The full moon hangs in the night sit above me, shining brightly.

"Asa-chan." I whip around with my grip tightening on my orcrist, only to stop short at the sight of Giyu, his right shoulder still bleeding.

"Giyu-kun," I murmur in relief as I relax but I don't sheathe my sword. "You caught up to me. How's your wound?"

I go to rest my hand beside it as I examine it and the Tomioka says, "It's fine. Just a scratch. Did you find the demon?"

I shake my head as I reply, pulling back, "No, unfortunately. It's very hard to detect."

Giyu nods his head before pulling me in for an embrace, startling me. "I'm glad you're alright, though. I was worried about you," Giyu says as I return the embrace, unaware of his hand now on his sword.

"You shouldn't worry about me so much," I tell him, face half buried in his injured shoulder.

"Ah, but you see, I can't help it, Asa-chan..." Giyu trails off. I stiffen when I feel something push through the air towards my back.

"Water Breathing, Third Form: Flowing Dance!" Giyu's voice calls and he twists his sword gracefully along his body as Giyu swings his sword for the second Giyu's neck. The copy jumps away with me in his arms and faces the real Giyu, one arm wrapped around my neck as he holds his sword to my throat.

Giyu and I freeze.

"That's the fake, Asahi! I think the demon can shapeshift," The real Giyu says, causing the demon to chuckle.

"You're right about that, Giyu. It's my second Blood Demon Art ability that's difficult to detect. Surrender, or I'll slit this girl's throat!" The demon presses the sword to my throat and I see anger flash through Giyu's eyes.

"Let her go!" Giyu orders harshly.

"Only if you surrender."

"Don't do it, Giyu-kun. Forget about me," I tell him.

"I-I can't..." Giyu grits his teeth in frustration.

"You could save yourself by abandoning this girl," The demon says, tongue flickering near my cheek. I squeeze an eye closed as I jerk my head away. "She smells delicious. Now I really want to eat her. Why don't you just leave the girl to me, hm? I wouldn't mind sparing you, then. Do we have a deal?"

"Don't listen to him, Giyu!" I say.

Giyu doesn't say or do anything for a moment. Then, in the blink of an eye, Giyu moves with lightning speed. I feel the sword cut into my throat but then...

"Water Breathing, Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin!" Giyu brings down his water covered sword on the demon and I feel his arm loosen.

It was enough for me to grip my sword and slash at the demon. "Pegasus Breathing, Ninth Form: Blooming Love." With a single slash of my sword, the demon relaxes before I decapitate its head.

As the head hits the ground, the demon starts to dissipate.

I breathe heavily as Giyu comes up to me. He asks, "Are you alright, Asa-chan?"

I nod my head as I reply, "Uh huh. We've completed our mission. We should find a Wisteria House to rest and tend to our wounds." Giyu nods his head in agreement as we flick the blood off our swords and sheathe them.

Then we go in search of a Wisteria House.


Giyu and I stand outside the Wisteria House we'd found, a little ways away from Chinshu Town, on the side of the road.

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