Chapter 5

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Asahi's P. O. V:

Two years have passed and my Tsugukos have gotten stronger. They've actually mastered both of their Breathing Styles, and are now ready to take on Final Selection, an exam that all Demon Slayers have to partake in order to become an official Demon Slayer.

I feel as though I haven't made much progress with Ren at all, and that worries me.

I was busy training my Tsugukos one last time before they left.

"Bend your knees a bit more, Ren," I instruct, aiding him from behind. "And if you bring your hands a bit closer together, you can protect your front some more."

I hear Kiaria training near by.

"Spider Lily Breathing, First Form: Crimson Flower of Grace," He says before slashing his red nichirin blade around him gracefully in beautiful movements, taking on the form of a flower known as the red spider lily.

"Pegasus Breathing, Fifth Form: Pegasus Finale," Says Kiaria. She starts to spin her wooden sword and it glows brightly before she dashes towards a dummy and swiftly decapitates its head.

I smile proudly.

Kiaria has pretty much mastered all her forms.

"Spider Lily Breathing, Third Form: Glorious Spider Lily," Says Ren. He makes a gesture with his wooden sword that causes a few spider lillies to appear around a dummy. They fade after a few heartbeats. If it were a demon, they would've died peacefully.

"Kiaria, tighten your grip," I say. "You need a firmer grip on your sword." She does that and her next attack went much smoother.

Ren thrusts his sword down and outward, as though to parry an attack. He seems a bit wobbly but fixes his grip.

"Just remember to bend your knees a little more and you'd have a steadier stance," I say before Ren moves his sword, making a sharp, swift slashing movement to parry.

Ren continues with that as I study Kiaria.

"Try swinging your sword from right to left in order to parry attacks," I instruct.

As I do, the door opens with a knock to reveal Giyu.

"Giyu-kun!" I greet.

"Forgive me for interrupting, but I wanted to see how you were doing," He says, stepping up to me.

I reply, "Really good! They're both ready for Final Selection!" I gesture for my Tsugukos to come over. I kneel in front of Kiaria first. I undo my sword sheathe and hold it out to her. "Here, Kiaria. Take this with you. Only nichirin swords can slay demons."

She gazes at my sword with wide sparkling eyes before accepting it. "Thank you so much, Sensei!"

I smile before I glance to Ren. "As for you, Ren, I'm afraid I don't another nichirin sword, but maybe—"

"Here." We jerk our heads up to Giyu who is holding gout his sword to Ren.

My eyes widen as I jump to my feet and say, "You're going to let him borrow your sword?!" The Tomioka nods his head. "But, Giyu...! You don't have to! I would've asked another Hashira..."

"It's alright. I want to," He says, still holding it out.

Ren gives an appreciative nod as he accepts the blade.

I feel like crying as I pull both my students in for a hug. "Be careful and look after each other. Come back to me, alright?"

"Alright, Sensei," Says Kiaria, hugging me back.

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