Chapter 28

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Third Person's P. O. V:

"... Well done, Giyu. You may take the rest of the day off," Kagaya Ubuyashiki was saying to the Water Hashira after he'd given his latest report. Giyu nods even though the black haired man opposite him can't see and bows in respect before rising to his feet.

Giyu exits the Master's mansion and heads for his own.

"You, there!" Giyu stops upon being addressed and turns his head. He frowns as he sees a tall man with spiky blue hair and olive green eyes not wearing a Demon Slayer uniform approaching him. He does have a sword strapped to his waist though. Giyu furrows his brows further at the sight of a sun on his blue cloak.

"Yes?" Giyu prompts, still frowning.

"My name is Aoi and I'm the former bodyguard of Asahi-sama Himari. She's been missing since she was fifteen."

Giyu's blue eyes jerk wide at this before he regains his stoic expression and turns to the bluenette fully. "Oh? She's missing?" Aoi nods his head.

"We heard she became a Hashira and has been slaying demons. Her parents want her back and have sent me to retrieve Asahi-sama. So, would you be so kind as to tell me where she is, Demon Slayer?" Says Aoi pointedly.

Giyu feels his fingers clench. Asahi's family is looking for her? "Sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know," Giyu says unwaveringly.

Aoi raises a blue eyebrow as he says, "You don't? Aren't you one of those Hashira as well? Surely you must know where Asahi-sama lives?"

Giyu turns away abruptly and says monotonously as he begins to walk away, "I honestly don't know, so I'm afraid I can't help you."

He feels the swordsman gazing after him as Giyu leaves. Giyu feels himself being followed, no doubt by Aoi, as he begins to make his way for the Pegasus Estate, needing to warn Asahi.

Giyu makes a few false turns in order to try and lose the bodyguard, before he Body Flickers away. Aoi doesn't seem to be tailing Giyu anymore, much to his relief. So Giyu continues heading for his girlfriend's house.

Aoi was failing the Water Hashira around a few turns, having kept at a safe distance so as to remain undetected. However, the Demon Slayer abruptly vanishes.

Aoi dashes out of his hiding spot but when he fails to see the black haired man, Aoi stomps his foot as he curses aloud, "Dammit!"

Aoi grits his teeth but an idea pops into his head.

The bodyguard whirls around and walks briskly back to the Master's estate.


Giyu throws open the door to Asahi's house and she comes running down from her bedroom at the commotion. The white haired girl widens her purple eyes at the sight of the heavily breathing Giyu, hand braces on the wall for support.

"G-Giyu-kun?! What are you doing here?" Asahi asks in surprise, rushing up to him. She places her hands on his shoulders as Giyu finishes catching his breath.

"I'm glad... I found you..." He breathes, closing the door behind him. "I was just leaving Oyakata-sama's estate when I met someone who works for the Himari family. His name is Aoi. Blue spiky hair, olive green eyes. Said he used to be your bodyguard."

Asahi and Giyu are unaware of the two Tsugukos creeping along the stair landing and hiding behind the railing at the top to listen in.

Asahi feels her eyes widening further as she processes this information. "D-Did you say my old bodyguard came looking for me...?" Asahi breathes, just to make sure she heard him right. Now having stopped breathing heavily, Giyu nods. Numb with shock, Asahi wanders over to her couch and collapses on it, arms resting on her knees. "Why? Why would my parents send Aoi looking for me? And after five years! Why now, of all times?!"

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