Chapter 7

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Asahi's P. O. V:

I run at the demon and rapidly slash my sword at him. He dances back to avoid it.

"Pegasus Breathing, Ninth Form: Blooming Love," I say. I slash my orcrist once but the demon jerks aside to dodge it. "Pegasus Breathing, Eighth Form: Pegasus Wrath." I leap up into the air and barrel roll towards the enemy. Whenever my sword would hit him, hood prints would appear all over him, knocking him back.

Just as I go to decapitate the demon, he holds out his hand. "Blood Demon Art, Pure Force: Full Force Blast." I'm hit in the stomach by a blast of energy that sends me back to the ground.

I slowly get back to my feet. "Pegasus Breathing, Third Form: Calming Love." I dash towards the enemy and send out multiple slashes at once.

"Blood Demon Art, Pure Force: Force Slash," The demon says before he meets my slashes with his own. We continue exchanging slashing for a long time, until both attacks cancel each other out and I back flip to get away from his next attack.

"You really are one tough demon to slay," I mutter.

"You should give up while you can," He tells me. "Every other Demon Slayer has fallen by my hand. You won't win,"

"Heh! We won't know unless I try," I mutter, glancing quickly at Giyu. He's still watching me and trying to get up, but his injuries seem pretty bad. I return my attention to the demon just as he holds out his hand.

"Blood Demon Art, Pure Force: Full Force Blast." I manage to dodge the attack this time as he fires multiple blasts of energy at me. I was careful to avoid going anywhere near Giyu so he wouldn't get hurt.

"Pegasus Breathing, Eighth Form: Pegasus Wrath," I say before I barrel roll towards him. My attack hits his invisible shield but doesn't break it right away. I land and run around him at lightning speed. "Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love." I stab at the shield multiple times and holes in the shape of love hearts appear. They then explode which takes down he shield.

"Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight," I say as I turn and do a 180 backflip while swinging my brightly glowing orcrist. I'm hit by an invisible force as the demon kicks out at me, sending me rocketing back across the ground with his Pulling Force technique. I hear Giyu cry out my and as I come to a stop. I feel blood trickling down my face as I manage to get back to my feet.

The demon raises his hand above his head, and I realise he's preparing to use his Force Slash technique. "Blood Demon Art, Pure Force: Force Slash." Just as the demon brings down his hand, I dive to the side to avoid it and the attack hits the wall behind me.

"Pegasus Breathing, Seventh Form: Blooming and Exploding Love," I say before I start to run around the orange haired demon with lightning speed. As I do, I stab my sword at him and holes in the shape of love hearts appear. The demon evades my sword for his neck at the last second, though. "Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight."

I do a 180 degree backflip as my orcrist glows brightly. I go to slash it across the demon's neck but miss again. I scowl as I land and dash up to the demon with lightning speed. I then appear behind him suddenly.

"Pegasus Breathing, Second Form: Triple Stomp," I say as I slash his neck two times, then aim a third. I narrowly miss decapitating him but still injure the demon and make him stagger away from me.

Anger flashes in his purple eyes.

"Pegasus Breathing, Fifth Form: Pegasus Finale," I say as I spin my orcrist. It glows a faint white light before I swing it for the demon's neck. He dances away from my attack. I swing my sword a few more times as I run at the demon and manage to land a few hits on him. "Pegasus Breathing, Third Form: Calming Love." I send out multiple slashes of my sword in one hit, and they land on the demon's shield.

"Blood Demon Art, Pure Force: Force Slash," The demon says as he slashes for me. One of his attacks got my left shoulder when I go to dodge but the second one misses.

"Pegasus Breathing, Sixth Form: Petals Fall," I say as I run up to the demon and proceed to stab him with my sword. As I do, flower petals start to grow on him and crumble away, startling the demon.

"Blood Demon Art, Pure Force: Push/Lift," The demon says and holds up his hand. My attack is cut off when I'm suddenly lifted into the air and brought in front of the demon. "You're really starting to irritate me, girl. I'll finish you off first, and then your Demon Slayer friend."

"L-Let her go!" Giyu snaps. "Just let Asahi go!"

"Giyu-kun," I murmur.

"No. I won't let either of you go," Says the demon.

I bring up my sword in an attempt to behead him but I miss when he suddenly drops me on the ground. I roll out of the way to avoid getting hit by his Full Force Blast spell before I jump to my feet and whirl towards him.

I do a narrow roll towards the orange haired demon as I say, "Pegasus Breathing, Eighth Form: Pegasus Wrath." I slash at the enemy multiple times and hood prints appear over his body, causing him to stagger. I go to decapitate the demon but miss. I land and then start to run around him with extreme speed. "Pegasus Breathing, Fourth Form: Never Ending Bloom."

I stab the demon in different directions, and as I do, flowers appear over his body.

I go to decapitate the demon but he was faster.

"Blood Demon Art, Pure Force: Push/Lift!" I feel an invisible force lift me ten feet in the air and everything seems to move in slow motion. Then I was slammed back into the ground, head first.

The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was Giyu calling my name fearfully.

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