Chapter 22

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Asahi's P. O. V:

Four months fly by since Kyojurou's death and Giyu and I have been dating a lot more recently. I had been enjoying it a lot.

Right now, we were heading home on Kirameki after I'd invited the Tomioka for a ride, his arms wrapped around me.

When we arrive at the Pegasus Estate, which has a small river flowing through the front and a porch leading inside as well as at the back of the house, we dismount and I lead Kirameki to the tie up rail by the stall to untack and groom her, Giyu following.

When we arrive at the Pegasus Estate, which has a small river flowing through the front and a porch leading inside as well as at the back of the house, we dismount and I lead Kirameki to the tie up rail by the stall to untack and groom her, Giyu f...

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Giyu says as I brush the palomino mare, "Thank you for the ride today, Asa-chan

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Giyu says as I brush the palomino mare, "Thank you for the ride today, Asa-chan."

"You're welcome," I say as I beam at him. "Would you like to stay for lunch?"

Giyu nods as he smiles and replies, "I'd love to."

I smile back and finish taking care of Kirameki. I put her out in the field with Yume and Giyu and I start heading for the back entrance.

I pause as I lean against the pillar holding up the awning as I turn to the Water Hashira.

Giyu steps up to me, and caresses my left cheek, playing with my side bangs. I lean into his touch. A smile twitches his lips. "Asa-chan, close your eyes, please."

I was confused by Giyu's request as I ask, innocently curious, "Why?"

Giyu replies, "Because there's something I want to try, if it's alright with you."

Feeling even more curious I incline my head and let my eyes drift close as I relax against the pillar.

Giyu's P. O. V:

I watch as the white and pink haired girl leans against the pillar and her eyes flutter closed, her posture relaxed.

My heart was pounding in anticipation for I want to try to kiss her in this moment. My gaze finds her slender lips and I start to lean forwards, my own eyes drifting close.

I close the remaining space between us and place my free hand against the pillar beside Asahi's head. My lips near hers, so very close my warm breath hits her face.

Time seems to slow as my lips come in mere inches of Asahi's, my heart rate picking up even more.

This is it. I'm finally going to kiss the girl I like...

Just before my lips could even brush Asahi's—

"Sensei! You're back from your date—oh my gosh!!"

Startled, my heart now pounding, I jerk back from the Pegasus Hashira and we whip around to see Kiaria and Ren standing in the doorway, hands over the girl's mouth in shock as she has a blush on her cheeks, while the Kurosawa leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed. I almost immediately regain my cool as the pink eyed girl resumes speaking. "I am so sorry! Were we interrupting?"

Kiaria looks shocked but at the same time, there's a knowing smile on her lips that she attempts to hide.

I deny, turning my head away from both girls to hide my disappointment, "No, you weren't. We were just talking."

"Really? Could've fooled me," Says Ren flippantly.

"We were just talking," I say a little stiffly as Asahi whips me a surprised glance.

"Sure, you were," Says Kiaria disbelievingly as she slowly nods her head.

Asahi questions, "Now, what were you going to say, Kiaria?"

The blonde blinks as she responds, "Oh. I was going to say that you're back from your date and to ask how it went."

Asahi replies, "It was fun." I nod my head in agreement.

Kiaria asks, "Is Giyu staying for lunch?"

The white haired girl looks at me as she responds, "He is. We were just coming inside."

Asahi smiles and I mentally pout as she turns to walk inside, her Tsugukos following her.

Letting out a sigh of depression, I enter the house after Asahi and her Tsugukos.

Asahi's P. O. V:

Later that day, I sit on the porch with Mitsuri Kanroji as we eat monaka and drink tea. I've told her all about these strange feelings I've been having towards Giyu, such as heated cheeks and the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

I'd received those same reactions when I'd felt the Water Hashira's lips barely brush my own.

Over the past four months, we've gotten closer and I've been getting these strange feelings.

"And then according to Ren, he was about to kiss me. So, what do you think it all means, Mitsuri?" I ask when I finish explaining.

The pinkette squeaks happily, lightly clapping her hands together, "It means Tomioka really likes you and that you like him in return!" My purple eyes jerk wide at this.

The pinkette squeaks happily, lightly clapping her hands together, "It means Tomioka really likes you and that you like him in return!" My purple eyes jerk wide at this

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"I like him as more than a friend? And he feels the same way about me?"

Mitsuri nods her head eagerly. I take a bite of my sakura monaka. "Uh huh! Have you two told each other you love one another yet?"

I reply sheepishly, "Well, no. We haven't. We've been busy with missions and we're always getting interrupted."

Mitsuri urges, holding up a finger as I take a swig of my tea, "Then the next time you and Tomioka are alone together, tell him! Tell Tomioka how you feel! I'm positive he feels the same way about you."

I feel a thoughtful expression on my features as I set down my bamboo mug. "Tell Giyu-kun how I feel, huh?" I think to myself as a wind blows and Mitsuri munches on her own sakura monaka. "So all this time, Giyu's been in love with me? I think that I love him too."

I internally gasp at that sudden realisation.

"Whenever I get the chance, I will tell him," I think determinedly, as Mitsuri and I enjoy the rest of our tea and monaka.

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