Chapter 37

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Pic of Muichiro and Mitsuri—->

Third Person's P. O. V:

Tanjiro sits on the back porch of the Pegasus Estate as Kiaria sits next to him and Ren leans against one of the pillars holding up the awning. Yume is grazing in the paddock nearby.

It was one afternoon a month after they left the Himari residence. And their friend behind.

"R-Really?" Tanjiro stutters in surprise, glancing between Kiaria and Ren. "Tomioka-san is really that bad?"

The pink eyed girl nods her head, sighing solemnly. "Yes. Ever since Asahi Sensei had to stay behind in her home, Giyu's been depressed and totally distant ever since. He's hardly eaten, and every time either Ren or I try to talk to him, we'd hardly get anything out of Giyu at all. I'm really worried."

"That doesn't sound good," Says Tanjiro worriedly.

Ren says, arms folded over his chest, "We figured you might have better luck."

Understanding fills Tanjiro's fuchsia eyes before he nods his head. Tanjiro jumps to his feet and promises as he turns to Kiaria and grasps both her hands in his, "Alright, then! I'll do my best to talk to Giyu for you. And maybe even get him to eat something!"

Kiaria blinks her eyes rapidly through the blush on her cheeks as she smiles gratefully at her crush. They'd also started dating in the month Asahi has been gone.

It had made Kiaria feel a little better, and she feels comforted in Tanjiro's presence.

"Thank you, Tanjiro-kun," Kiaria murmurs.

Ren says sincerely, "Good luck. Let us know how it turns out."

Tanjiro nods before he goes in search of the Water Hashira.


It wasn't until later that night that Tanjiro finally finds Giyu, in his backyard, accompanied by loud thunks. Tanjiro goes up to a bamboo tree and hides behind it, before he cautiously peers out.

In front of him is Giyu, hacking away at a huge bamboo tree with his nichirin katana, each slash filled with anger, frustration, sadness and hopelessness. Giyu grunts angrily with effort every time he slashes his sword.

Other trees also have sword marks on them, causing Tanjiro's eyes to soften.

"It's worse than any of us thought," Tanjiro thinks. He has an idea and gently sets the box down.

Tanjiro opens it to reveal Nezuko. "Hey, Nezuko-chan," Tanjiro says in a soft voice so Giyu doesn't hear him, "I need you to help me with something." The dark haired girl nods her head before she steps out of her box to her full height. Tanjiro and Nezuko approach the Water Hashira, who still hasn't noticed them. "Um, Tomioka-san?" He makes no indication of having heard him.

Tanjiro tries again, a little louder. "Tomioka-san?!" Still no response, except for the slashing his nichirin blade that causes Tanjiro to flinch. He rushes up to Giyu. "Tomioka-san, if you don't stop that now, you'll ruin your sword! Tomioka-san!"

Giyu's slashing only ceases when Nezuko goes up to them, grunting worriedly. Giyu stops abruptly and blinks his eyes rapidly in surprise before he swivels his head around.

"Tanjiro? Nezuko?" Giyu drags his sword away from the bamboo tree and lets it hang at his side. "I didn't hear you approach. What are you doing here?"

Tanjiro says carefully, "W-Well, Kiaria-chan and Ren were worried about you because you've hardly spoken to anyone since we left the Himari residence and they wanted me to come check on you." Tanjiro gazes around again at the other slashed trees. "Is... Is this because of what happened to Asahi-san?"

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