Chapter 23

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Asahi's P. O. V:

Later that night, around 1am, I slash my white orcrist sword across the neck of a five foot tall demon, killing it.

I was just recently sent on a solo mission and now I've finished. I flick the blood off my sword before I sheathe it, then return to the Hashira meeting quarters to give my report.

"... and so the demon has been decapitated," I finish to Kagaya-sama. He nods his head in satisfaction.

"Good job, Asahi. You may go home now," The black haired man says.

I stand up and bow slightly in respect first before I exit the room and go back to my estate. When I enter, I grab a small slice of chocolate cake from the kitchen counter and head for my bedroom to get ready for bed.

The following morning, after having breakfast and letting the horses out, I was sitting on my couch while reading when Rei flaps at my window. I set down my book and go over to open the window for the female crow.

"Caw, caw! Asahi Himari, you're to go on a mission with Giyu Tomioka to Akibara Town to slay a demon! Caw, caw!"

With that, Rei flaps say.

I feel my face heat up at the thought of going on another mission with the Water Hashira. Especially since I now realise I'm in love with him.

I go to my room and change into my Demon Slayer uniform. I grab my sword and meet my Tsugukos on the way out.

"Another mission, Sensei?" Asks Kiaria, making me nod.

"Yes. With Giyu. I don't know when we'll be back, though," I reply. They nod and I reach the front door. Opening it, I find the Tomioka outside. "Let's go!" I smile at him to which he returns with a nod of his head.

Giyu and I make our way to Akibara Town together.


We get to the train station that we need and wait for our train to arrive.

As I gaze around, noticing people staring, Giyu murmurs to me, "We need to hide our swords."

"Oh," I say in realisation. That would explain the stares. Weapons like this were still banned from public transport. I quickly hide my orchrist under my haori.

The silence was comfortable, people bustling around us. After about fifteen minutes of waiting, our train arrives.

Giyu and I get up from the bench we're sitting on and step onto the train. We find some seats and sit next to each other. The train takes off for Akibara Town.

We arrive in three hours and get off the train.

Giyu and I head for our client's house, which is a one storey home.

I knock and a blonde haired man opens the door. "Are you the Demon Slayers I'd hired?"

I nod my head as I reply, "Yes. My name is Asahi Himari and this is Giyu Tomioka."

"Thank goodness. Please, come in," The man says and moves aside to let us in. We go to the study room and Giyu and I sit before the desk as the man sits behind it. "My name is Akihito Sato. I'd heard about your skills as Demon Slayers and knew I had to hire you. For the past week, Akibara Town has been attacked by a female demon, one who can create cherry blossoms."

"Cherry blossoms?" I reiterate with a tilt of my head. Akihito nods.

"Yes. She only seems to take men, though, and young but handsome looking boys. I want you two to eliminate this demon at all costs," Says Akihito.

"We will, Sir," Promises Giyu. Akihito looks relieved.

Giyu and I get up and leave to prepare for our fight with the demon.

We perch on a random rooftop as we discuss what we'd learned.

"So, a demon who favours men and young boys," I state.

"Shouldn't be too hard to locate," Says Giyu. "We just have to keep an eye out for possible targets." I nod my head in agreement.

"Their Blood Demon Art sounds interesting, Sakura Style. I wonder just how strong this demon is," I muse aloud, putting my chin in my hand.

"I guess we'll know that when we see the demon," Says Giyu.

I let out a soft sigh as we wait for the sun to set.


"It's sunset, yet there's no sign of the demon," I say impatiently about two hours after sunset.

"It'll be here," Giyu reassures me, eyes watching the bustling streets below.

I blink my eyes a few times when I notice a pink haired woman sneaking up behind a rather good looking man with dark hair and walking with his family of four.

"Giyu," I whisper while poking him in the shoulder, my gaze still trained on the pinkette. Giyu follows my gaze and understanding glints in them. He and I get to our feet and silently climb down from the roof.

We hear civilians screaming and as Giyu and I near the man I pointed out, I see him having been knocked to the ground and staring up at the demon with wide, fearful eyes.

"You'll do just nicely," The female demon says with a purr of a voice. She's about to bring down her claws on him but I dash forward with speed, unsheathing my orchrist. Before the demon has time to react, I sever her right arm, causing the demon to scream in anger as she reels back.

I stand defensively in front of the man as the demon faces me and hisses at me.

"Who are you?!" She demands.

"Asahi Himari, The Pegasus Hashira," I announce as I do my signature sword spin, spinning it above my head rom my right hand to my left and back again before I catch the blade. "Sorry, but I won't let you take this man." I peer back at him and his family as they scream and retreat. "Go."

He nods, shakily, but gets to his feet and flees with his family.

I regain a serious expression as I meet the demon's stare.

"Get out of my way!" She commands before trying to run past me.

"Pegasus Breathing, First Form: Pegasus Flight," I say before doing a 180 backflip and narrowly missing the demon's head as she dives to the side.

I chop a bit of her pink hair off in the process.

"You'll regret that!" She screeches. "Sakura Blood Demon Art: Sakura Slash!" With a swipe of her arm, the pink haired demon sends out a sakura that cuts deep into my arm. I hiss at the pain. She repeats the movement, this time cutting my left leg. The demon does this a few more times. "Sakura Blood Demon Art: Sakura Slash, Ten Fold!"

The demon repeatedly slashes her arms in quick succession, causing countless cherry blossoms to cut into me. I grunt and cry out as they do.

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