Chapter Thirteen: Nightmare

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You let out a yelp when Gojo kicks you away from him. You tumble back and fall on your side. 

"You're getting better at fighting," Gojo hums, shoving his hands into his pockets. "But you still lack speed." You huff and sit up, rubbing your eyes. 

"I think you're restricting yourself," he adds, kneeling in front of you. "The energy you give off has the potential to be something bigger."

"I don't know what potential that is, all I have are tiny little claws from my curse energy," you grumble. He then flicks your forehead, making you swat at him. "That thinking right there is the restrain of your gift."

"Well, it was also just in the heat of the moment," you grumble, looking at your nails. "I don't even know how I did that. I just...when I saw that child helpless and wanting to be saved I felt..." You trailed off, not knowing if you should explain this to him.

"Aish don't keep me in the dark, tell me how you felt," he groans. 

"I wanted to rip it apart," you mumble. "I wanted to save the kid and punish the curse for taking a child. I wanted to rip its insides open and give it the utmost pain possible. I imagined hurting it." 

Gojo grins and holds his chin. "Oh? So when you imagined that that's when those claws came out? Did you imagine claws?" You shook your head no. "No I just thought about using my hands to rip it apart, maybe it just came out like claws naturally?"

 You're not sure if you should be worried or not that he's grinning like a madman. "I think I know what your Cursed Technique could be, but we should test it out before concluding." 

"Oh?" you asked, intrigued. 

"Question though, how often do you imagine hurting something?"

"Erm...maybe all the time? It's not like I want to it's those stupid intrusive thoughts." He grins and clasps his hands together. "That's great! Because my theory suggests that you Y/N-"

He leans in close with his blue eyes piercing into your soul. 

"-can imagine your curse energy to become real-life objects."

"Holy shit isn't that too OP?" you asked, shocked. He grins and stands. "As I said, it's just a theory. Besides you're not the OP one here, I am." 

'The cockiness this man has,' you thought, feeling your brow twitch. You don't blame him though, this guy could destroy the world if he wanted to. 

Suddenly he pulls out a cursed doll and you immediately glare at the stupid thing. You hate them so much, you swear you lost a tooth at the time in the basement. 

"Instead of claws, try making a blade and attack this doll." 

You blink a bit and hold out your palms. You close your eyes and try to imagine a knife. You tried to imagine every aspect of a knife, but your mind wanders to something else. You frown and tried to keep imagining a knife but-

"Whoa hey!" 

Your eyes snap open as you see Gojo back up a bit. Then you look at your hands and your eyes widen. There is a knife in your hands, but it's bent, too long and it feels lifeless as well. As there's no weight to the blade. You did feel a headache come along as you did create a blade from nothing but curse energy.

"I...failed," you mumble. 

"I'm not expecting you to get this correct on your first try," he spoke, getting close to you. "I expect you to fail a couple of times."

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