Chapter Twenty-Three Pt. 2: Subtle

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"Thanks for joining me for this, but you didn't have to." 

Yuji shakes his head as he walks with you through the woods. After they gave you B/N's ashes, you asked Ijichi to take you to the mountains with the best view. When Yuji heard where you were going he decided to join you. 

Gosh, he's so sweet. 

It's silent between you two as you make your way to the cliff. 

Yuji grips your shoulder, making you look up at him. You glance back to the urn that's holding your brother and open it. Walking a bit closer to the edge, he grabs your forearm. 

"I'm not going to fall," you spoke softly. 

"The wind is too strong."

"...the wind is barely blowing though?" 

He didn't reply, making you smile and shakily open the urn. As soon as the wind got stronger you tilt the urn upside down and watch your brother's ashes scattered across the wind. As you watch them go in the distance you broke down, dropping the urn as it lands next to you. 

You cover your eyes with your hands as you start to cry again. Yuji pulls you close to him and his arms embrace you close. You feel him rest his chin on your head as you cry into his chest. Your whimpers fill his ears as he rubs your back. 

After spreading your brother's ashes, you two asked to go get some food together. Just the two of you. Ijichi went ahead and gave you guys some space. As you eat the delicious pizza you thought about something. You were about to take another bite out of your pizza but put it down.

"Hey, Yuji...what did you and B/N talk about?" you asked.

"Hm?" he asked, his mouth full of food. 

You smile and wipe his cheek with a napkin from some of the pizza sauce that got on his cheek, "I mean what did you and B/N talk about before he stopped Mahito? He was so dead set that I killed Rosa that...what did you say to him?"

"Oh, well..."

"B/N do you think Y/N and I could've killed Rosa?" Yuji asked, in disbelief. "Someone did!" B/N shouts, trying to stop the tears from forming. But he couldn't stop them. "When I woke up, I was confused because Rosa would have to drag me out of bed sometimes. I was getting late for school." 

B/N looks at his hands as his lips tremble. "I went to her room and she was dead, s-she was sliced open and cuts were all over her," he whimpers. "I was wondering why I didn't hear her scream only to realize her throat was slashed as well. I...Blood, everything was everywhere. Mahito came for me, he told me that it was the sorcerer Y/N..."

Yuji's eyes narrow as the curse that was surrounding B/N ceases his attacks for now. "I didn't want to believe it, you and Y/N seemed like good people but it wasn't until I saw her claws that it just confirmed Mahito's suspicions. Rosa...Rosa was the only one who took me in!" 

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