Chapter Eighteen: Our Summer

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B/N = Brother's Name


"You better not hurt my brother Yuji," you mumble, following your brother. "Heh?!" he asked, turning to you. You didn't turn to him as you keep your eyes on B/N.

"Wah? You think I could hurt him?" he asked, offended. 

"I just want you to be careful, especially with those things going to attack him," you mumble worried. 

"These things are pretty weak ya know. Huh, speaking of you never told me you had a brother," Yuji said. He felt a little bit upset he didn't know this fact. That really got to him on how little he knows about you. The two of you talked about his interests, even his grandpa at times. But he knows nothing about your family, your own life before you became a sorcerer. He's only heard about your aunt being your best friend, but that was it.

"You never asked," you said, shrugging.

"Wait, wait, all I had to do was ask about your past life?" Yuji asked, shocked. 

"Well, I can answer to the best of my ability," you answer. 

"Do you only have one brother?" He turns to you, smiling big.  You have no idea why he's so excited to learn more about you, you're just you. "I have multiple siblings."

"Does that mean they're all here in Japan?"

"I don't know, I was surprised when I heard my brother B/N was here," you answer honestly. "Everyone is supposed to be in my home country so I just...I just hope nothing bad happened to them." 

"Here," Ijichi interrupts your conversation. You three tried to hide behind a pole then Ijichi gets ready to open the cage. 

"Here we go Itadori, L/N!"

"Time out! There's someone there!" Yuji whisper yells. Wait you forgot this happened! Before Ijichi could stop the tiny Curse leaps out of the cage. "Oh, no!" Yuji yells and charges for the curses.

"Wait Yuji!" you also whisper yell, charging after him. 

You struggle to catch up with him and his fast speed. He even went climbed onto a rooftop and jumps for the small curse. "Stop!" he yells. You quickly run around the buildings to find Yuji already catching the curse while hitting his head in the process. 

Your brother looks in shock as he stares at the stranger. You run up as Yuji gets close to your brother's face. 

"Hey, I have some things I want to ask you about," he said. 

Your brother stutters and you come up to Yuji to grab his hood and pull him back. "Will you ever stop getting into people's personal space?" you hissed. You slightly push Yuji out of the way and stand in front of your brother. 

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