Original Ending

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a/n: I've been debating if I should post the original ending I had in mind.

Then I thought, 'Eh what the hell post it.'

This is if Yuji decided to live as a human and didn't turn into a curse.


"You know it's quiet without you here."

You sit in the grass, looking at the sky. You slurp on some ramen noodles, as the sun starts to rise. You brush your hair back, looking at the second ramen bowl sitting beside you.

"You should start eating or else I'll eat it," you giggle.

From afar Sukuna and Yuji watch you, Sukuna taking a long draw of his cigarette. The winter cold not bothering him and his son, his son having a somber expression. "Father, do you think she'll ever move on?" he asks, looking at Sukuna. Sukuna takes a final drag of his cigarette before tossing it to the ground and stomping it out.

"Son those two," he starts. "Were each other's person, there's no moving on from that." His son frowns, not liking the answer. He knew his mother and her friend Yuji, the man he was named after were close. But at the end of the day, he didn't understand the bond those two shared.

There were times when he was worried his mom would leave his dad for him, he just didn't understand. But the more he grew and matured, he realized you both just shared a pure bond. With how everyone told him about love and friendships, he didn't think friendships could be that deep without getting romantically involved.

You and Yuji Itadori taught him, just by observing, that two people as close as you were, could have an unbreakable bond, soulmates without romance.

He misses his godfather. He remembers when his young self was shocked when he learned that he and Yuji shared the same name. How his uncle Yuji would take him out for ice cream, against his father's wishes. Looking back on it he can see Yuji did it to spite him or anger him, but he also enjoyed spending time with the Prince of Curses. Ryomen Yuji lets out a soft chuckle at some memories.

"Uncle Yuji look!"

Yuji screams as he tried to dodge a ball of fire headed his way. "Yuji show me your powers when it's not threatening my life!" Itadori yells, trying to dodge the flames. Ryo Yuji, now nine years old, smiles and holds up his hand. "That's not all, look what uncle Kento showed me I could do!" The young prince holds up his hand and with a snap, he sets a nearby tree on fire.

"Whoa! Just like your dad!" With that Itadori pats the prince's head in encouragement. "You're going to get stronger than your old man I know you will." The prince smiles wide at his godfather's words. "You think I could beat mom in a fight?" Itadori strokes his chin as he thinks. "Maybe, maybe not your mom was a whole other level when we were younger. And now that she's a curse, she is almost on the same level as your dad."

"You know you and mom are really close, how did that happen? How did you two become soulmates? What was mom's first meeting with dad like? Was dad's first thing to do when he saw his mom kiss her? Did they get all lovey-dovey at the start? Did they-?"

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