Special Chapter: Hot Potato

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a/n: before Y/N got pregnant

In collaboration with Coovaca122

tho I'm pretty sure she did most of this chapter ahem-


Sukuna woke up to find Y/N snuggled up in his arms, a sight he would always love. "Rabbit, wake up, it's daylight out" Sukuna mumbled sleepily as he whispered into her ear. "Mh... 5 more minutes" she mumbled as she shuffled closer to his chest. He husky chuckled, finding her adorable as always, but ultimately knew they had to get up.

He scooted off the bed and opened the blinds, earning a while of disapproval from his lover. "So mean... Why do we have to get up so early?" She complained as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "It's actually 10 in the morning, you slept in, get dressed and eat something, it's my turn to take you to the town" he ordered as he plopped down some clothes for her.

"It's too early for this..." Y/N grumbled as she dressed, and let out a yawn. Once she exited her room and wandered into the kitchen, her eyes practically bulged out of her sockets. "WHAT THE HELL?! HOW IS THE SINK ON FIRE?!" She exclaimed while Sukuna frantically attempts to put it out.

(Y/N) takes a cloth and puts it over the fire, hoping it actually works because she saw it on a television show. Once the fire is put out the two stare at the burnt sink. She looks at him and narrows her eyes. 

"What on earth did you try to cook?" she asked, curiously. "I tried making Sushi..." Sukuna mumbled sheepishly. "You see, I may have forgotten your stoves were gas and don't need lighters. So I tried to light it with my fire, only for the wind to push it into the sink"

"That's so not true! I watched it with my own eyes! He caught the food on fire because he sucks at cooking. Then he tried putting it out in the sink, only for that to catch fire too!" Yuji butted in, ratting out the curse.

"You little shit" Sukuna hissed as he glared at the young adult, while Y/N silently chuckled. "How about this, I'll make our food," she said while patting Sukuna's arm. "Sweet! Thanks, Y/N! Man, I love your cooking!" Yuji cheered as he happily sat at the table.

Sukuna grumbled to himself as he also sat at the table, with a visible pout. (Y/n) shook her head as she prepared eggs and bacon for the three of them. As the three of them enjoy the meal, Sukuna feels his eye twitch when Yuji is too close for comfort to his wife. But it's all in his head because Yuji isn't even that close.

"Hey Y/N they opened this new arcade, we should head there sometime," he suggest, smiling. Y/N's eyes light up and nod. "Yes, let's do that!" Sukuna groaned, having remembered passing by one. He believes they're too noisy and a waste of money. "Why would you go there when it's filled with loud children and drunk people?" he asked, frowning. Yuji turns to him, raising his brow. "Who said you were coming with us?" Sukuna glared at Yuji, silently threatening him to shut up.

"Come on Yuji, you know he would join, with or without your consent" Y/N teased. Yuji groans and leans back into the chair. "Speaking of going out, now that we're done eating, I'm taking MY wife out. And YOU'RE not invited" Sukuna emphasized while pointing at Yuji.

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