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"What's up, guys! Welcome back to the channel, and today we're playing Mario Golf Super Rush with Juicy!" I looked up at Juicy who had a goofy look on his face.

"Do you wanna say anything?" "If you haven't already, SUBSCRIBE TO Y/N AS SHE'S ABOUT TO HIT 300K!" "Juicy!" I burst into a fit of laughter. "I call dibs on Waluigi." "Why?" "Have you seen him? Look at that sexy beast." I giggled as Juicy almost choked on his drink. "Sorry, what the fuck did you just say?!" "Look at him! You can't say I'm wrong!" "You're right...and I hate that you're right..." I burst out laughing as Juicy buried his face in my shoulder. A few hours later, we were done recording and I had sent the video to Dose.

"What do you wanna do?" I looked up at Juicy. "I don't know..." He shrugged. "Can we order pizza?" He gave me puppy eyes, making me snicker. "How can I say no to that face?" I squished his cheeks.


I groaned as I threw my phone onto the floor. "What's up, babe?" Juicy sat down next to me. "People still keep on asking me to do a face reveal." I sighed. I picked up my phone handed it over to him.

"when are you gonna do a face reveal?"

"face reveal alreadyyy"

"face reveal when??"

"if she does face reveal y'all are gonna regret asking"

"she's probably not even that pretty lol"

That last comment hurt. I was already insecure about my looks, that's why I chose not to do a face reveal. "Y/N, look at me. Those people that keep on asking you and talking shit aren't real fans." That made me feel better. "Juicy, do you think I'm pretty?" "Y/N, you didn't even have to ask me. Of course you're pretty! Hell, I think you're the prettiest girl I know!" I started blushing.

"Thanks..." I kissed his cheek. "Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever do a face reveal." "I mean, it's your decision. If you want to do it, I won't stop you." "Yeah, you're right..." I rested my head on his shoulder.

ONE DAY LATER... (Juicy's POV)

I was scrolling through Twitter, catching up on things I had missed when one tweet in particular caught my eye. It was a tweet from Y/N.

Y/N_L/N: this goes out to everyone who says I'm "not pretty" 🖕🏾

Then I noticed that she included a picture of her face. I had the biggest smile on my face as I scrolled through the replies, seeing so many positive comments.

I liked, retweeted and put my phone away. As I was recording for The Boys Extra, Y/N walked into my office and wrapped her arms around me. "Did you see my tweet?" "Yeah, I did! I'm so proud of you!" I kissed her cheek.

"Hello? Earth to Juicy, we're recording right now!" Y/N quickly let go of me as the other boys burst out laughing. "Look at those two lovebirds!" Josh chuckled, making both me and Y/N blush.

"I'll see you after you're done recording! Bye, Juicy!" Y/N blew me a kiss as she left my office. I caught it and placed it on my cheek. "Okay, now where were we?"

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