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(a/n: hello friends!! this one was inspired by @//lockgan on TikTok (the COD community really is feeding all of my inspiration right now) and when I saw it, I instantly had an idea come to mind and this was pulled out of my ass after 3 seconds. so yeah, I'm sorry if it's shit. also, ✨spicy warning✨. do not read if this makes you uncomfortable. anyways, enjoy!!)


"Y/N, we need to talk." My mind immediately jumped to some of the worst things imaginable. "Are you okay?" "I just- I'm just gonna come out and say it. I am in love with you. And I have been for a long time." I stared at Gaege in amazement.

"Wait, are you serious?" He nodded his head. " have I. I just wasn't sure when to say it." I giggled as Gaege's eyes lit up. "Well, now might be a good time to ask...will you be my girlfriend?" "Gaege, you didn't even have to ask me, of course I will!" I burst out laughing as he picked me up in his arms and kissed my forehead.


Ever since that moment a few months ago me and Gaege decided to keep our relationship a secret. We had nearly outed ourselves a few times but we both knew we couldn't keep it a secret forever.

Until today.

Me, Narrator, Eddie, Josh and Mully were all at Gaege's having a few drinks. "Hey, Y/N?" I looked over at Mully. "Yeah, what's up?" "Didn't you mention a while ago that you now have a boyfriend?" I saw Gaege tense up a little bit out of the corner of my eye. "Yeah, why?" "How come we haven't seen him yet?" "He's just shy, okay? Now drop it, Mully." "You heard them, Mully." I breathed a sigh of relief and whispered a "thank you" to Narrator.

"Y/N?" I rolled my eyes and looked over at Mully annoyed. "What?" "Are you sure your boyfriend exists?" I sighed. "Mully, stop it." Josh tugged on his jacket. "Nah, I wanna know. Are you sure he exists or is it just one of your made up fantasies?" I jumped back as Gaege stormed over and grabbed Mully by the collar of his jacket. "I'm their boyfriend. Am I real enough for you, Mully?" The other boys' jaws dropped in shock.

"Get. Out." A very awkward silence hung in the air. "I SAID GET OUT!" I jumped and watched as the other boys very quickly left. "Gaege, wh-" "Claim. Me. Now." I stared at him in astonishment. "Do it." I got up and pushed Gaege down onto the sofa.


(a/n: I'm gonna end it here, but should I make a part 2 and make it a smut??)

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