stand in

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(a/n: hello friends!! this is requested by Mommy_muncher, (great username, by the way) hopefully this is what you wanted, sorry if it isn't. anyways, enjoy!!)

Gaege's POV

"When's Narrator gonna get here?" "He's never usually this late to recording." Mully looked over at me. "Yeah, about that." Josh walked into the room. "He won't be coming in today?" "Wait, why?" "He's not feeling too great. And by that, I mean he's very sick." My heart sunk, knowing that one of my best friends was ill and I couldn't be there for him.

"But we do have a stand in for him! She should be here in a few minutes." Almost five minutes later, there was a knock at the door and Josh went to answer it. He soon walked back in with possibly the cutest girl I've ever seen in my life. "It's Y/N!" I watched on as the other boys greeted her. "Juicy? Juicy!" I snapped out of my daze. "I just realised you've never met Y/N before. So, Y/N this is Juicy, Juicy this is Y/N." She sat down next to me.

"It's nice to meet you, Juicy." "It's nice to meet you, too." A few minutes later, we were all outside getting ready to film. "Josh, you do know you're gonna be the worst at this, right?" "Oh, shut up, Y/N!" I couldn't help but burst out laughing and giving her a high five. "Right, Y/N would you like to do the intro?" "Sure." I shot a look at Eddie and he shot me one back, basically signalling to me that we'll talk after we're done filming.

"What's up, guys! Welcome back to The Boys. Today we are doing a YouTube classic. That's right, baby. We are doing the eat it or wear it challenge!" We all cheered, even though on the inside we were dreading what was to come. "So, right here we have a bowl with slips of paper in it-" I picked up the bowl and handed it to Y/N. "-thank you. And I have to pick out a slip of paper at random. And I got number 5, which is mashed potatoes. I have to eat a spoonful of it. If I fail to eat it, I will be getting it dumped on my head."

"And the loser at the end will be eating all of this stuff mixed together." I saw a look of mischief in Y/N's eyes. "Eddie, you have a blender right?" "Yeah." "How about we blend up everything here and the loser has to drink it." It was so hard not to laugh at the looks on Josh and Mully's faces. A few minutes later, we were all covered in various foods and poor Josh was throwing up into a bin.

"Okay, guys. Thanks for watching. Make sure to check out Y/N's channel, linked in the description below, and don't forget to become a member to see the things we can't show you." As soon as we ended filming, Y/N rushed over to Josh and gently rubbed his back. "Are you okay?" He slowly lifted his head, his eyes watering. "I frew up." "I know, buddy. Come on, let's wash you off." After cleaning ourselves off and getting changed, we all just decided to sit and chill.

"Wait, Y/N. I forgot to ask you, did you stand in for me that one time on The Boys Extra?" "Mhm!" "Thanks for that." "Don't worry about it, Juicy." "Please, call me Gaege." Eddie gave me a look. "Hey, Juicy, can I talk to you for a second?" "Yeah, sure." I followed Eddie into the kitchen.

"Come on, man, it's so obvious." "What is?" "That you like Y/N, you fool!" "Is it really that obvious?" "You were giving her heart eyes the whole time we were filming!" "Okay, maybe I like Y/N. But don't say anything, okay?" "Got it." "You boys okay?" I looked over and saw Y/N standing at the entrance. "Yeah we're good." We all walked back into the living room and as we sat down, Y/N sat down next to me.

As the other boys were talking, Y/N brought her lips up to my ear. "I heard you and Eddie talking..." I froze up. "It's okay, I like you too..." My heart skipped a beat. I felt Y/N slip her hand into mine and snuggle up to me. "Awe, look at those two!" Mully pointed at us, making Eddie and Josh look over at us. "You guys would make a cute couple." I started blushing like crazy. "Guys, you're making him shy!" I couldn't help but giggle as Y/N started playing with my hair. A few minutes later, Y/N had to leave.

"Do you have to go?" "Yes, you dummy. I was only a stand in for Narrator." "Fine. Have a safe trip home." "I love you." Y/N stood up on her toes and kissed me. "I love you too." Then Y/N left, leaving me standing where I was stood in shock.

"Wow." I touched my lips, not believing what just happened. "Did that just happen? Did Y/N just kiss me?" I looked over at Josh, Eddie and Mully. "Yes. Yes she did."


I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw I had a DM. From Y/N.

Y/N_L/N: heyyy:)

juicyfruitsnacks: hey :)

Y/N_L/N: you doing okay?

juicyfruitsnacks: yeah I'm fine

Y/N_L/N: still recovering from our kiss earlier?

Y/N_L/N: Josh told me about how you reacted, it was adorable tbh

I started blushing like mad. No one had ever made me feel like this before.

juicyfruitsnacks: only just

juicyfruitsnacks: you did great in today's video, btw

Y/N_L/N: awe thanks. I know I was only standing in for Narrator but I would like to come back for more videos in the future

juicyfruitsnacks: I'd love it if you did

Y/N_L/N: or if not we could always collab

Y/N_L/N: I have a new game I want to record and I need a player two for it

juicyfruitsnacks: oh really? what is it??

Y/N_L/N: the game is called Will You be My Boyfriend?

I stared at my phone confused for a few minutes until I finally understood what she was saying.

juicyfruitsnacks: smooth

juicyfruitsnacks: my answer is yes. I would love to be your boyfriend.

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