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(a/n: hello friends, I hope you are all doing well!! (unfortunately I am not but we aren't here to talk about that) I just want to put in a bit of a warning that this will feature hints of smut but not any actual smut, if that makes sense. either way, if it makes you uncomfortable, you are free to go read another one of my books. and for those who have decided to carry on reading, enjoy!!)


"HAPPY ONE MILLION Y/NNNN!" Gabby yelled. "THANK YOU GABBY!" I yelled back over the volume of the nightclub we were in. My channel had recently hit one million subscribers and Eddie, Gabby, Gaege and Narrator decided to take me out to celebrate. Normally I would've requested something more chilled, but I couldn't say no.

I looked over at my fiancée and I blew him a kiss. I watched as he caught it and pressed his hand to his cheek, making me laugh.

 I watched as he caught it and pressed his hand to his cheek, making me laugh

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As I turned around to talk to Gabby, I noticed that she was gone. As I went to go find her I felt someone wrap an arm around my waist, making me freeze up. I knew this wasn't Gaege and as I turned around, I was proven correctly when a typical blonde haired gym bro kind of person was in front of me.

"Are you single?" I could literally smell the alcohol on this guy's breath. "No, sorry." I tried to walk away but he blocked my path. "Come on, every girl says that." I glanced over his shoulder and I saw Gaege standing up and walking over, and he did not look happy. "Look, I'm just trying to get to my fiancée, will you leave me alone?" I yelped as he gripped my wrist.

"Did you not hear her, she's taken." I felt Gaege wrap his arms around my waist, immediately making me feel better. "By me." This seemed to anger this guy and right as he went to throw a punch, security stepped in and escorted him out. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" Gaege started checking me over for any injuries. "No, I'm alright." I could tell that he wasn't too happy with what just happened.

"We're going home." "Wait, why?" "I'm just- I'll tell you when we get home." I just nodded and followed Gaege to our car, texting Eddie to let him know. Neither of us said a word the drive home. You could cut the tension with a knife. Once we arrived home, I was the one to break the silence that quite frankly should've been broken on the drive back.

"Now do you wanna tell me why you wanted to come home?" "I...I didn't like the way he was pissing me off." "You know I only have my eyes on you, love. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be wearing this ring." I looked down at my engagement ring. "I'd rather it was me touching you like that." "Honestly same." "Do you want me to do anything about it?" I watched as he slid his hand up my thigh, making me blush.

Needless to say, we had a few noise complaints from the neighbours the next day.

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