author's note - new year

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hello friends!! and happy new year!!

I'm not going to fart around, let's just dive right in.

so, you may have seen that I was going to do a Christmas one shot. then I forgot to post it (I haven't even finished it yet ;—;). so unfortunately, no Christmas one shot, that will have to wait until later this year. but hopefully I will be able to do one for Valentine's day, I don't know yet.

and speaking of one shots, I haven't gotten a proper schedule sorted out, so posts might be all over the place. and if I say that I will upload a one shot and I don't, please don't get mad at me, im trying my best.

also, I am thinking of maybe starting a new one shot book (key word: maybe) and if anyone has any requests for who you want it to be, just comment down below or message me, either will get my attention :))

anyways, I think that's all I have to say. I'm gonna dip now. thanks for reading!! make sure to vote and maybe leave a request down below. stay safe and don't do anything stupid. bye!! <3


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