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(a/n: hello friends, I hope you are doing well!! I kind of wrote this one as a message to male readers. for any of my male readers, it is 1000% okay for you to paint your nails. nail polish does not have a gender. anyways, enjoy!!)

E/C - Eye Colour


"Hold on, babe, I'll call you back, the kids are leaving. I love you! Bye bye!" I hung up and left the car as children ran out of the school towards their parents. Then I noticed him. "Hey, Jayden! Did you have a good day today?" I noticed that my six year old son, Jayden, had tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I wiped his tears away. I helped him into the car and started driving. Then I noticed that his nails were no longer painted. "Hey, what happened to your nails?" "M-My teacher said that painting nails was for girls...and she made me take it off..." He whimpered. I was fuming. "It's okay, buddy, we'll repaint them when we get home."


I opened the front door and Jayden immediately ran upstairs, still in tears. "Hey, baby! Where's Jayden?" My boyfriend, Gaege walked into the living room.

"He's in his room probably. He didn't have a good day at school." "Why, what happened?" "You know how we painted his nails last night? His teacher told him that painting nails was for girls and made him take it off..." "That's fucking stupid." "That's what I thought!" "Is it okay if I talk to him?" "Yeah, sure." I watched as Gaege went upstairs.

Jayden wasn't Gaege's biological son. We met three months before Jayden was born and even though he wasn't Jayden's biological father, Gaege happily stepped in and put his name down as Jayden's legal guardian. We started dating when Jayden was around three years old. And he has been an amazing parent.

Gaege's POV

I approached Jayden's bedroom door and knocked on it. "Jayden? It's Gaege. Can I come in?" I heard the door open and I looked down to see a E/C child looking back up at me. "Your mum told me about what happened today at school. And I just want to say that what that teacher did was wrong. Nail polish doesn't have a gender." He stared at me confused but he nodded like he was understanding what I was saying.

"Basically, what I'm saying is, it's okay for boys to paint their nails. Are you feeling better?" "A little bit." "Now, how about we go out and get you some nice nail polish that you can paint your nails with?" "Yeah!" "Okay, let's go!" I explained to Y/N that we were going out and after getting our shoes on, we made our way into town and into a makeup shop.


We found a few nail polishes that Jayden really liked. After buying them, we decided to go back home.

After arriving at home, we immediately sat down and started painting them. "Hey, guys!" Y/N walked into the living room. "Oh, I like those colours! Did you pick those out, Jayden?" He nodded. "You did a great job!" A few minutes later, Jayden's nails were now a nice bright pink.

"There you go!" I gave him a high five. Then Jayden gave me a hug. "Thanks, dad..." He whispered in my ear before running off to find Y/N. He called me dad. Y/N came into the living room, followed by Jayden. She then turned to him, probably said something because he went running upstairs.


"Are you okay?" I sat down next to him. "He called me dad..." I squeaked and burst out laughing as Gaege picked me up bridal style. "HE CALLED ME DAD!" "You've always been his dad, you dummy!" "This is the first time I've heard him say it!" Gaege eventually put me down, right as Jayden came running downstairs. "Mum?" "Yeah, what's up, Jayden?" "Can I paint dad's nails?" "Yeah, sure! Come on, buddy!" Jayden excitedly ran over and grabbed a bottle of nail polish.

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