Baby Fruitsnacks

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, where is it..." I scrambled to find my phone and call my best friend. "Hello?" I heard a slight Australian accent on the other side. "Amber! I- I- I-" "Whoa, easy! Calm down, and tell me what's wrong?" " you know how me and Gaege have been trying for a baby?" "Yea- wait, oh my god, you're pregnant?!" "Yeah..." I wiped a tear away.

"Y/N I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! Does anyone else know?" "No, you're the first person I've told." "When are you going to tell Juicy?" "I figured I'd wait until his birthday." "Oh my god, that's the perfect birthday present!" Even though we couldn't see each other, I could imagine the big smile that was on Amber's face right now.


"Hey, stinker! Happy birthday!" I sat down next to my boyfriend and kissed his cheek, making everyone else aww. "Sorry I'm a little late, I had a bit of trouble wrapping your present up..." I shot Amber a look and she subtly nodded her head.

"It's okay, as long as you're here, babe..." I handed him his birthday present. "Actually, before you open that, does anyone want to hazard a guess as to what it could be?" "Watch it be a massive fucking dildo or something." "Mully!" I giggled as everyone else burst out laughing. "Oh thank god, something I've always wanted!" I eventually burst out laughing before everyone calmed down.

"Fuck, I can't- babe, can you help me?" "Hold on, let me...there you go..." I tore the wrapping to make it easier for Gaege to open. After a minute of silence, Gaege gasped. He looked up at me, then at the contents of the box, then up at me again. "Are you- are you serious?" "Yes..." I nodded, wiping a tear away. "I'M GOING TO BE A DAD! GUYS I'M GOING GO BE A DAD!" I burst out laughing and squeaked as Gaege picked me up in his arms as our call erupted into laughter and gasps of joy.

"LOOK!" Gaege set me down and held up the positive pregnancy test and ultrasound. "AWWWW CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO!" I saw Gabby wipe a tear away, making me cry more. "Goddamnit, Gabby, you got me crying again. Eddie, give her a hug for me, will you?" After talking for a bit longer, we ended the call and decided to call it a day.

"God, I love you so much..." "I love you more, baby..." I kissed his cheek as he got into bed with me. "And I love you too..." My heart melted as he gently kissed my stomach.

" little baby Fruitsnacks..."

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