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(a/n: hello friends!! this one was loosely inspired by @//callsignsky141 on TikTok and I came up with the idea in about 5 seconds with no actual planning, so forgive me if it's a bit shit. with all that said, enjoy!!)


I couldn't help but look over at my boyfriend, who was talking to another girl. I didn't have a problem with that, it was just the way she was acting around him. She tried to reach for his hand multiple times and constantly stroked his arm.

"That bitch is getting on my goddamn nerves." I growled, digging my nails into my arm. "Hey, Y/N! Me and Lindsey are gonna head back home no- are you okay?" Yeah, I'm alright! See you on Saturday!" I waved to Narrator and Lindsey as they left. When I looked back over at Gaege, I could see that the other girl was now practically sitting on his lap. I instantly got up and walked over to them, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her off Gaege.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but he's taken by me. Maybe next time you'll learn not to flirt with taken men." I grabbed Gaege's hand and we left the nightclub. "Y/N, what's wrong with you?!" "I didn't like the way she was acting around you! And the way she was just- I didn't like it, okay?!" "Baby, look at me. I'm all yours okay? I'm not gonna run off with another woman, I'm not gonna leave you for anyone else. I'm yours and you're mine." My heart melted.

"Awww, Gaege..." I stood up on my toes and kissed him. "Do you wanna head back in?" "No, let's call it a night." Halfway on our journey home, I asked Gaege to pull over. "What's up?" "I- I don't mean to bring it up again, but...I can't get the way that bitch was flirting with you out of my head." "Okay...?" I took my seatbelt off and straddled him.

"Y/N?" I leaned in and started leaving hickies all over Gaege's neck. By the time I was done there were hickies all over his neck, ranging from barely visible to ones you couldn't cover up even if you tried.

"W-What was that for?" I looked over at Gaege as I put my seatbelt back on. "Just so everyone knows you're mine. Now keep on driving, Mr Gibson." I smirked. And when we got back home, I made sure everyone knew he was mine.


I woke up to the sun shining in my eyes, making me groan and cover them. I then looked around the room. Clothes were strewn all over the floor, from the brief glimpse of myself I got in the mirror there were quite a few hickies on my neck and Gaege was asleep next to me, wearing nothing.

"You alright, love?" Gaege rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah I'm alright, thanks." I replied. "Did you sleep well?" "Yeah, but our neighbours probably didn't." I snickered, making Gaege burst out laughing.

"At least everyone knows who you belong to." "Oh, I think they already did."

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