he worships you

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(a/n: hello friends!! the concept of this one is basically you and Gaege have started dating and he can't stop talking about you. cute fluffy relationship shit. I don't know what I'm on about anymore. anyways, enjoy!!)

Gaege's POV

I couldn't stop staring at Y/N as she was editing a video. We both had recently started dating after meeting through Mully and Josh whilst I was in Australia. She was also a YouTuber, although she leant towards the horror side of it.

"Gaege, can you help me with this, please?" "Yeah, sure." After helping Y/N edit, we both decided to relax and watch The Little Mermaid.

"Gaege?" "Yeah?" "Do your friends ever get annoyed with you constantly talking about me?" "Only a little bit, but they understand that you know, we've just started dating, it's gonna happen." "Yeah, you're right." Towards the end of the movie, Y/N was almost fast asleep.

"Do you know what my favourite part of the movie is?" "What?" "When Sebastian said under the sea." She started giggling and I just shook my head, chuckling. "You're such a weirdo." "But I'm your weirdo." "You're right." I kissed her forehead. "Are you gonna stay over tonight? The weather's a bit shit outside." I looked out the window and saw it was raining.

"I might as well." "You know what that means." Y/N grabbed my hand and lead me up to her bedroom.


"Hey, babe! Do you want to be in this video?" I looked over at Y/N as me, Eddie and Narrator got ready for a video. "Tell me what it is first." "We're drawing cartoon characters from memory." "I'll be your judge if you want me to. And no, I'm not going to be biased just because you're my boyfriend. I want to give you all a fair chance." A few minutes later, me and Y/N were on the floor laughing as Eddie and Narrator stared at us.

"So, Y/N." "Yes?" She looked up at Narrator. "What was that about not being biased towards Juicy just because he's your boyfriend?" That only made me and Y/N laugh harder whilst Eddie shook his head. "They're meant for each other."


"Hey, Juicy." "Hm?" I looked up at Narrator. "Did you see that Y/N posted on Instagram?" I quickly checked her account and saw that Narrator was right. My heart melted as I realised what she was wearing. She had posted a mirror selfie wearing one of my hoodies.

"Wait- is she wearing one of your hoodies?" "She is." Speak of the devil, Y/N came downstairs. "Hello, my love!" She ran over to me and kissed my cheek. "Are you wearing another one of my hoodies?" "Mhm!" "You look adorable in it." "How am I not single yet I still feel it watching you two." "Because your girlfriend's not here, Narrator." I almost choked on my drink, making both Y/N and Narrator burst out laughing.

"Are you okay?" She sat down next to me and patted my back. "Yeah, I'm alright." I gave her a goofy grin, making her giggle.


Me, Eddie and Narrator were streaming ourselves playing Gang Beasts. "I think Y/N would like this game." "Juicy, I'm pretty sure you say that about every game we play." "I'm sorry, but it's true!" Then I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I turned around and saw Y/N holding a glass of water.

"I'm not interrupting you am I?" "No you're not. Come here, sweetheart." I could hear Eddie and Narrator giggling as Y/N walked over and kissed my cheek. "I brought you a drink." "Oh, thank you." She sat down next to me. "Do you wanna talk to Narrator and Eddie?" "Am I allowed to?" "I'm asking you!" She nodded her head and we switched places.

"Hi, Eddie! Hi, Narrator!" "Hey, Y/N!" "You guys having fun?" "Yeah, your boyfriend here won't stop talking about you!" Narrator giggled as Eddie burst out laughing. I started blushing and Y/N noticed. "You're making him blush!" I blushed harder as Y/N held me in her arms. "Oh my god, Narrator, go to Juicy's stream right now." Hold on a minute- awe, you guys are so cute." "What does he keep saying?" I looked up at her wide eyed and mouthed 'why?' to her. She looked down at me and mouthed back a 'why not?'.

"He keeps on saying that “this is the type of game Y/N would play” and “I wish Y/N was here to play this with us”." I hid my face in Y/N's shoulder as she looked at my chat, confirming what Eddie had just told me. "Wait, let me see the game you're playing...yeah, you're not wrong. Okay, I have to go now, I need to edit a video. I love you!" "I love you too!" We both shared a kiss before Y/N left my office.

"She's so precious..." I sighed. "Chat, it's hard to believe she makes horror content." "Hello? Earth to Juicy!" I jumped at the sound of Narrator's voice, making both him and Eddie giggle. "Back to the game?" "Oh! Oh- yeah, hold on!" I unpaused my game and carried on playing.

Yeah it was true that I talked about Y/N a bit too much, but she doesn't mind. And I didn't mind doing it. And to be honest, we wouldn't have it any other way.

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