do i know you?

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(a/n: I'm sorry if this one's bad, I'm still trying to get used to posting again plus I haven't been feeling too great and I'm busy with college. but without further ado, enjoy!!)

F/C - favourite colour

Gaege's POV

I walked into class late, everyone else and the teacher staring straight at me. "Late again, Mr Gibson." My teacher, Mrs Kennedy spoke up. "Yeah, I know." I mumbled and took my usual seat at the back. "Before we get started, I just want to let you know that we have a new student joining us at around ten." I rolled my eyes. I pretty much hated everyone here except for a few select people, so I guess we'll see where the new kid falls in.

Ten o'clock comes around and there's a knock on the classroom. Mrs Kennedy went to open it and the headteacher walked in, followed by a girl dressed head to toe in F/C. We stared at each other for a split second before I went back to messing around on my phone. Then I felt someone gently poke my arm and I looked up to see it was the new girl.

"Is it okay if I sit next to you?" I nodded my head and moved my bag so she could sit next to me. "So, what's your name?" "Gaege, but my friends call me Juicy." She stared at me confused, but that confused look was soon replaced with a smile. "That's cute! My name's Y/N." Y/N...why did that name sound so familiar?

"Um, is it okay if I hang around you today?" "Yeah, sure." After the bell rang, I started making my way to the smoking area, Y/N behind me. "You want one?" "Oh, no thanks, I don't smoke." I discreetly rolled my eyes and stuffed them back in my pocket. "So, where you from?" "Florida. But I moved to the UK and then moved here so I could finish my final year." "Same. Damn, we've got a lot more in common than I thought. Except I didn't live in the UK." We both looked up at each other and I managed to get a good look at her face. And then it all clicked.


"I DON'T WANT YOU TO GO!" I hugged Y/N tightly as she sobbed harder and harder. "I promise I'll keep in touch as often as I can." "Pinky promise?" "I pinky promise..." I kissed her forehead. "You missed, bozo." I rolled my eyes and we both shared a kiss. "I love you..." My eyes widened and then I started tearing up.

"I love you too..." Then reluctantly, I pulled away from the hug and got on the train, sitting next to a window. As the train pulled away from the train station, I looked out the window and saw Y/N running along the platform, tears streaming down her face. I quickly opened a nearby and screamed "I LOVE YOU!" as loud as I could before she disappeared out of my sight.


"Y/N! It's me! It's Gaege!" Her eyes widened in shock. And then she tackled me into a hug, tears streaming down both of our faces. "I never thought I'd see you again..." I softly whispered. "Me neither..." We pulled away and she stared at me confused.

"Why didn't you keep in contact with me?" "Life got in the way, I'm sorry." "But you pinky promised!" My heart melted. "Even after all this time, you still do pinky promises..." "Yeah, you're right." "You've changed...your style, I mean. It suits you." "Thanks. I learned from the best..." We sat there in silence, taking in the moment. Then Y/N spoke up.

"Why did you leave?" I took a deep breath. "My parents didn't like you." My heart broke when I saw the look on her face. "Remember when I said my parents got new jobs. Yeah, that was a lie. They just didn't want me to see you again." "Oh...did you see any other girls? I-I don't mean to sound jealous-" "No, no, it's fine. Um, yes...yes I did. Her name was Liv, but was only for a few weeks. My parents set me up with her, believing she was "the one" for me. But I secretly told her about what happened and we agreed to break up under the guise of her cheating on me." Y/N just stared at me baffled.

"I don't know what to say..." "Did you-" "No. I waited for you." "You waited all this time for me?" She nodded. I couldn't help but tear up a bit. "Oh don't start crying, you're gonna make me cry again." Y/N wiped a few of my tears away. "I'm just glad we found each other." "Me too."


"I guess I'll see you tomorrow, right?" "Yeah, you will." Then everything went in slow motion as Y/N leaned in and left a kiss on my lips. "Bye, Gaege." I watched as she entered through the front door and closed it behind her. I let out a cheer before I ran home, almost immediately crashing into a lamppost.

Once I arrived home, I burst through the front door. "Are you alright, Gaege?" My mum emerged from the kitchen. "You will not believe the day I've had."

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