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Sleeping, having weird dreams, and then confusing them with reality has been my only hobby for the past year. A few seconds ago, I was dreaming about Nick's stupid bearded dragon climbing up my arm with its sticky, disgusting paws.

The dream seemed almost too real, I could feel the cold weight of the creature on my arm. I tried to scratch my skin to get rid of the feeling, but my hand touched something.

I popped open my eyes immediately. And there it was. Lizzy the lizard lazily climbing up my arm with that stupid grin on its face.

"AAAaahhh! Motherfucker- fucking shit!!! Bitch- fuck off!"

All of it came out of my mouth in one jagged breath as I jumped to sit up straight in the bed, heart already pounding in my chest.

"Wha.." Clay, asleep next to me, popped open his eyes and immediately reacted, "No, no, no, it's okay, don't move."

I closed my eyes and twisted my face as he patiently removed the satan from my arm, setting it on the floor and scooting closer to me, "You're okay, it's gone."

I'd lie if I said I'm scared of it as much as I was before. But I'm still extremely disturbed by the flicking tongue and the lifeless eyes accompanied by that creepy smirk it has on its face, and the feeling of its cold scales is just - ew.

"Eugh," I scratched the spot on my arm as if it was going to get rid of the skin cells that were affected by the lizard. Then I turned to look at Clay, realizing that I just gave him a heart attack with my voice, "sorry."

It wasn't long until we saw George and Nick thumping their way upstairs and entering our room as if it was an okay thing to do. We could be naked in here, yet I doubt they gave the slightest fuck.

Nick was out of breath by the time he reached our bedroom. His eyes scanned the room, and an evil grin appeared on his face.

"Oh, there you are, you stinky creature!" Rubbing his hands together, he approached the lizard, completely ignoring us, "Come to daddy, naughty girl."

My whole face twisted.

"That's so disgusting-"

"I wasn't talking to you, Glizzy."

The audacity he had to call me that knowing damn well that I warned him 10 times not to was just making my blood boil.

"Why is it in our room, anyway?" Clay yawned, handing Nick the lizard as it attempted to climb up his arm.

"We brought her to play with Patches, and she escaped," George explained it as if what he was saying was logical.

"Who's daddy's little troublemaker? Lizzy is! Yes, Lizzy is!"

I cringed at the choice of Nick's words as he held the lizard up in the air and started babytalking it. I lied back down, covering my body with the covers even though I was wearing one of Clay's shirts.

Which brought a thought to my head.

"We could be naked," I stated.

"I mean, that's what I was hoping for-" Nick started.

"Hush." Clay shut him up immediately.

Or at least he tried to.

"Make me." Nick licked his lips, and Clay had no intentions to hold back.

"What, you want my dick down your throat again?"

Here we go again.

I closed my eyes, knowing that this was going to take a while, and covered my head with a pillow. My method wasn't that effective, though. I could still hear their muffled nonsense. The worst part is that it's been like this for a year now - there hasn't been a single day where they avoid the conversations about sucking each other's dicks.

But I still love them.

"Glizzy, remember to not overfeed Lizzy, she's fat enough already."


Nick's words were a reminder about their upcoming trip to Europe. I'd die to join them, but my finals were coming, so it wasn't a possibility. All that matters is that I'm graduating finally.

"Have you guys even packed yet?" I removed the pillow from my head and raised a brow at George and Nick.

I already knew the answer by looking at their faces. They haven't been at their house for days now. They only go there to sleep, stream or take a shower. Which is never.

"We were hoping you'd help," George chewed on his lip nervously when he saw my disappointed face, "please?"

"I already packed for Clay, I don't wanna do that anymore," I shook my head.

"Oh, I see how it is," George sounded offended, "so you packed for your stupid little boyfriend but won't pack for your bestest friends?"

"I don't know about the little part.." Clay interrupted, and I decided to execute his joke.

"Yeah, he's already packing other things, it's only fair that I lend a hand with the suitcase."

Clay was the first one to catch my joke, laughing and giving me a high-five. Then George got it and rolled his eyes, and finally, it dawned on Nick.

"Oh..." the way he sounded so disappointed got me laughing, "Freaks."

But they weren't done with the idea of forcing me to pack for them. The stakes were getting higher and higher with each sentence that left George's mouth.

"I'll bring you your favorite perfume from France," George genuinely believed I was mentally stable enough to not have three unopened bottles of my favorite perfume lying around the house.

"Nahh.." I shook my head.

"I'll buy you a designer bag," he continued, and I still shook my head in disapproval, "perfume and a designer bag?" Still, I shook my head no.

"Fine. I'll do your assignment," he said it as if that was a better deal than the previous one.

"The last time you did it, I got a B minus," I'm still pissed about it not because of the grade, but because George didn't bother to even proofread before sending it.

"So what? When your boyfriend does it, you get a D at best," I love how every time George gets defensive, he refers to Clay as my boyfriend.

"Bro, what? She gets straight A's when I do it," Clay wasn't even lying, "I mean she always gets a D, but not from the assignments."

Some air escaped my nose from how sudden that was, and I turned to high-five Clay again. I love him and his stupid jokes so much, it's not even healthy.

"Let's just leave, brother," the way Nick was acting so disappointed was sending me. As if he wasn't having a daddy talk with his lizard a few minutes ago.

"Finally.." I mumbled under my breath, but Nick heard it and stuck out his middle finger to me.

But Clay wasn't having it.

"Shove it up your ass, loser," oh how I love having a protective boyfriend.

"Just remember that you're gonna be stuck with us for two weeks," Nick's reminder sounded more like a threat as they got out of our room.

And silence.

Rolling around in the bed, I climbed ontop of Clay. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck  and giggled when his arms wrapped around the small of my back.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," my voice was barely audible against his skin, but he still heard it.

"I'll call you every day," he kissed my hair, "I love you so much, my everything."

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