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I stormed into George's room, not surprised yet disappointed to see him there. I had no other expectations, but I had hopes. Hopes that he'd magically teleport to the other house without asking me questions.

George, on the other hand, didn't match my energy. He was comfortably lying on his bed when I entered, but hesitantly sat up cause I stormed into the room without a warning. He glanced between me and the open door, then raised an eyebrow, clearly wondering what the hell my problem was.

"Will you please leave?" I tried to be polite about it.

"What a nice way to greet someone." George chuckled and lounged back comfortably in his bed.

"George..." I sighed.

"What's the magic word?" He teased, clearly having no idea about how frustrated I was.

"I already said it." My palms were already starting to sweat from anger.

George chuckled at my growing irritation, clearly underestimating it.

"I didn't hear it," he shrugged, "try again but louder."

"George, just leave, for fuck's sake." I raised my voice a bit, not caring if my demands were logical or not. I needed him gone.

"You know, it's my room."

"Did I fucking say it's mine? I asked you to leave."

George raised his eyebrows in surprise at my sudden burst of anger. My voice was apparently distractingly loud enough to get Nick's attention as well. He emerged out of nowhere, placing himself between me and the bed where George was.

"What is happening?" He looked between me and George, puzzled by the scene unfolding before him. George, still sprawled out on his bed, looked like he was getting some type of thrill or enjoyment from this whole situation, while I was clearly on the verge of exploding.

"Liz is throwing a little temper tantrum," George shrugged, "you know, the usual."

"Temper tantrum?" I snapped in irritation. "I don't think it's unreasonable to want some time alone when your annoying friend is literally grating on my nerves 24/7, but of course, you just couldn't help but insert yourself into this situation and be a fucking pain in the ass instead of, oh, I don't know, giving me some space!"

George's face immediately fell, the playfulness vanishing momentarily. Instead, he looked almost scared.

"Calm down, jeez..." George got up from the bed, "it's not my fault your boyfriend won't say sorry for doing nothing."

His words stung really hard. They hit a nerve, but I managed to calm myself down by biting my tongue and taking a deep breath in. I didn't speak, knowing that if I did I'd either yell or cry, or maybe combine both. And Nick, sensing the upcoming disaster, spoke for me.

"Alright George, that's enough." He said, giving his friend a disapproving look, "Get your annoying ass out of here, you're not helping."

"Jesus, I was just joking," George, finally sensing the gravity of the situation, decided to back down a bit, "No need to overreact-"

"You fucking cunt, I'm not overreacting!"

George's jaw dropped slightly at my sudden response. So did mine. I was not expecting such a strong reaction from myself. But the word hit a nerve.

Nick placed a hand on my shoulder immediately, trying to calm me down. He exchanged a quick look with George. He was genuinely surprised by my outburst.

All I could do was sigh deeply with regret, covering my face with my hands.

Why did I just say that? I've officially lost all self control.

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