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"You're drunk." He stated bluntly and pulled back.

"Gee, thanks for the observation," rolling my eyes at his obvious statement, I crossed my arms.

"You know you cannot drink, Eliza."

"Oh here we go," I groaned, rolling my eyes at his overprotective attitude, "I'm a grown ass woman, Clay. I know I can't drink but if I've chosen to drink, then it should be none of your business."

"You have no self-preservation instinct whatsoever. You're a walking accident waiting to happen," he was getting harsh with his words, and if I wasn't drunk, I'm sure I'd be way pissed over hearing them, "Infact, we're going home before you pass out."

I groaned, feeling a mixture of annoyance and irritation bubbling up inside of me.

"I didn't come here with you, and I'm not leaving with you."

"Oohhh right... where's that fucking idiot you came with? I'd really like to see him right now."

"Nick did nothing wrong." I clenched my fists as he mentioned Nick, feeling defensive of him.

"Oh, he didn't?" He asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "You're sure about that? Because last I recall, Nick was supposed to be the one watching out for you, but instead he let you drink yourself stupid knowing damn well that you can't even tolerate a sip of wine."

"Oh, please. I can watch out for myself just fine."

"Is that why you couldn't push me away? You're lucky that was me and not some random dude feeling you up in the middle of the dancefloor." Clay shot back, annoyance flaring in his voice.

I felt a wave of irritation rise up in me at his words, simply because there was some obvious truth in them. I was so drunk that I couldn't do anything at that moment even though I tried. I was disoriented.

"I could have pushed you away if I wanted to." I lied.

"Right," Clay replied sarcastically, crossing his arms over his chest. "You were doing such a great job of it back there. Ugh, I don't even know why I'm bothering with you. We're going home."

"Like hell we are," I snapped back, getting even more annoyed when he grabbed my wrist, "I'm not going anywhere with you, I'm staying with Nick." I protested, planting my feet firmly on the ground.

"That's a great idea. Let's go find him." There was nothing serious in his voice. It was all sarcastic and ignorant.

"Ugh." I stumbled forward as he pulled me by the wrist, my body colliding with his. I scowled up at him, annoyance clear on my face.

I expected to hear his voice, but instead there was another one interfering. One that wasn't too familiar, but at the same time, I could swear I heard it somewhere.

"Let go of her, mate. She's not interested." I heard the accent.

Then I looked over to see Kyle standing there, a frown on his face as he observed the scene.

"Who the fuck are you?" As Clay spoke, he pulled me closer to his body defensively.

"My name's Kyle," he replied casually, "Let go of the girl, she's into women."

I sighed audibly at the poor guy's words, wishing I never told him that. It was like his catchphrase at this point. Any minor inconvenience and he'd bring it up.

"Do I look like a woman to you, motherfucker?" Clay's voice was getting slightly high-pitched from the absurdity of the situation, "Or are you more aware of my girlfriend's preferences than I am?"

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